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Everything posted by Mikealiasmike

  1. Actually was an easy vote w/o the sad situation to go with it. I thought it was the best photo. Prayers are with their family and yes. C got my vote:thumbsup:
  2. amennnnnnnnnnnn
  3. Were you a cheerleader in a past life? Perhaps a marriage counselor? Nothing like putting us men on the spot there fellow Iowan. Now you've given me a guilt trip about the few things I've bought. We had agreed for the kids dangit... nice job. I'm going shopping... again Now who was it that mentioned the nice flowers for a center piece???? You and I are going to chat missy.
  4. Spoke to Barend this afternoon, he's going to pick me up so to all who replied Thanks. What a great family we have here. I did have a master plan now though, perhaps I should load up several of my friends and they come out too. We could start a school for the snow driving challenged individuals who have so much trouble driving in snow, rain, ice, etc... oh wait... nevermind forgot about global warming. Where was my head... probably stuck in a 4' snow drift with my tractor. God Bless, Mike file:///C:/Users/MIKESL%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg
  5. Not only done but was "Done" almost a month ago. (Black Friday) Life is good. Put me on the Good husband list please. Where's wife when I get kudos for THIS one muahahaha
  6. Since we don't have "grits" on any of our menus in the frigid midwest, I guess I'll just have to give them a try. And if Barend does give me a ride, heck I'll personally make him a plate or bowl (whatever they come in and thank God I know how to use a fire extinguisher) Thanks everyone for considering the help. God Bless and Have a Merry Christmas and Safe new year.Mike
  7. Thanks UTurn, I'm sure I will. Unfortunately this is a short trip. Bought a camaro for my son in Inman SC and have to drive it back to Ice capped Iowa. Be my luck though I'll end up buying snow tires before this trip done... Hmmm... Wonder if the've ever heard of snow tires in South Carolina...... lol God Bless. Mike
  8. Cecdoo, Thanks for the offer, and as for IH... What can I say about a fellow like ol' Bill. I probably have a better shot at beating a 1st Gen in a race then him helping out. Barend, anytime after 08:00 or heck whenever your available. Beggers can't be choosey as they say. Early enough I'll buy ya breakfast and late enough I'll make it lunch. Thanks for any help you can give. God Bless. Mike
  9. Hate to impose on anybody but after doing some research and still making a mistake, would any fellow VR's be available to give a lift from Greenville Marriot to Inman SC on the 27th of Dec approx 30 miles? Thought I'd save some money and do the Priceline thing, got a decent price for room but come to find out taxi from Greenville to Inman is going to be astronomical. Would be glad to pay for gas etc but they wanted 70.00 ouch. If I'd known the motel was going to be so far away and in wrong direction... I know, I know, those 2nd gen owners... Appreciate any help with this one. Thanks and God bless. Mike
  10. Now THAT is a good idea. Been thinking of doing something like that but wasn't sure exactly which way to go. Thanks for the picture. God Bless. Mike
  11. These came off of a 55 and 56 Chevy Belairs. Haven't seen a Pontiac Chieftains but was told that only the 55-56 Chevys had these. I could be wrong I suppose.
  12. Yep. It looks like an eagles head to me but then again I think spotted owls taste like chicken. Beer for you too.
  13. Correct ding ding ding. Now for the bonus point, what is on the "front of it" the point that leads the ornament that is.
  14. Yep, hood ornaments but need more then that for me to break open my wallet
  15. Anyone care to guess what my door handles for quonset are from???? Cold beer when we meet to whoever guess's right....
  16. Originally Posted by tessa c2 Well i had bad luck with my 243 yesterday, blew my barrel out:240: while i was down checking my target, a buddy took it and put my lazer bore sighter in it to see how i had my scope set,, and i had just reloaded with out checking it, i mean i had just fired 3 shots down range, any body on here cuts barrels? A laser bore sighter fits into the barrel to show exactly where the bullet will go. When it's not taken out in effect will plug the barrel. Hence the loss of end. Sorry to hear about your weapon. At least no one was hurt. Ride safe and God Bless. Mike
  17. I have sirius but am not renewing it. Going strictly with an MP3 player. Both Sirius and XM replay the same songs over and over in my opinion (I've had both brands) Let alone their talking more and more. I bought mine for music not to hear some announcer flapping his jibs between every third and fourth song. You can get an MP3 player with handlebar bracket for a very reasonable price and you won't have the monthly charge. Also with an MP3 player you don't have fade out when under trees, bridges etc... I believe you can hook right up to a Ventures stereo jack if I'm not mistaken ( I have an RSTD so don't have the goodies ventures do) Hope this helps. Ride safe and God Bless. Mike
  18. Actually JoDee didn't go on this trip. She had no desire to go anywhere colder then what Iowa is already :rotf:As for Shari, I think it would not only be a sweet gesture to take her but also your duty to show her one of the most beautiful places on earth. If she wants to see more pics I got over 300 and video to match God Bless. Mike
  19. That was in Skagway. Nice town.
  20. Got back a few days ago with mom and had a great time. The cruise ship was alright but if I do it again it'll be in a camper and at a slower pace. I love that 3rd picture, it's exactly as was seen with no lens modification. Just georgous. Ride safe a God bless. Prayers are with everyone down south in Texas.
  21. Took bike in today..er... yesterday and found out I have a broken manifold gasket. Parts ordered and will be in and installed before I get back. no lost riding time hopefully . Love that 5 year warrantee. One of those Yamaha shops that does go the extra mile for the customers. VanWall in Perry, Iowa. Their FANTASTIC. Ride safe and Keep God as your passenger. Mike
  22. I considered the cement truck but it was a matter of time. It took all day to get cement angled properly away from barn so water drained off slab. Then had to do the same thing inside except a bit higher for the water table in case outside rises.... I hope not at least . Pete, feel free to come on up and meet me Anchorage, but bring along another scooter so I can get Alaska on my map for signature when I figure out how to do it . Going to build wooden doors for barn, 2 swinging outward and the top 4' like an airport hanger and swing upward. It'll be conquered when I get back. I'll post more pics then. Ride safe and keep God as your passenger. Mike
  23. OK, so I took a wise mans advice, why tempt fate. Guardian Bell hung.
  24. Finally got Quonset rebuilt. Finished cementing it in yesterday (Never expected it to take 106 bags of cement). Got to build doors next but that'll be after Alaska (anybody live in Anchorage with an extra scooter want to go for a ride while I'm waiting for return flight at 23:30 on the 3rd??? lol). Long wait that day. Ship comes in port @ 07:00 and plane won't leave till then. Gremlin bell goes in when I wire in the lights up on the roof... hmmm, actually, isn't the whole building a roof pretty much?? Wifes eyeballing building like when am I gonna fill it with the stuff so we can start on remoldeling new living room... Gonna try to attach picture but not very good at this stuff. Ride safe and keep God as your fulltime passenger.
  25. What she said... Coronas too, wife and I gotta meet you 2 sometime :rotfl:
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