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Everything posted by Mikealiasmike

  1. Cleared everything, perhaps if I shut down and restart...
  2. Whenever I click the forums buttons, either on top or sides the page starts to load then nada. Anybody else having this problem?
  3. Mikealiasmike

    Honor Guard

    Trying to get this as our Departments HG LOGO
  4. Wow, I put new thread up on here for that trailer and next thing I know auction gets cancelled. Must have been afraid of the low price. 355.00 for a new fiberglass trailer. I was getting ready to bid on it if it didn't go much higher. Oh well life happens.
  5. OK but is sweet for less then 400. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Car-Enclosed-Cargo-Ulitily-Trailer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a317Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a0Q7c293Q3a2Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem110343971460QQitemZ110343971460QQptZMotorsQ5fTrailers
  6. OUCH!
  7. I'm at the moment having both battery covers and passenger floorboards chromed. Paying a bit more right now since I sent in only one set of each but company is giving heavily reduced prices for more then 10 sets designated to VR members and even more discount if 20 or more send theirs in. I'm just waiting for final prices on the 4 pieces I sent in and then see how well they do. if all goes well I'll pass on the info to our members and probably send in my stock air cleaner covers next. Wouldn't expect it to cost any more then 50 each.Can't have too much safety chrome. Mike
  8. Yepper, you can use the stock covers on K&N filters. It's what I have. Eventually I'll chrome the covers for about 60 a piece but for now it'll fine. God bless. Mike
  9. If the C50 is anything like the C40 stay awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy. JoDee had one and shook her worse then a Harley Sporster. How she made it to SD and back without losing all feeling in her body is beyond me. She's got the 650 Vstar now and is pleased as punch.
  10. I'm sending in both passenger floor boards, and battery covers from my 05 RSTD. Price is less then a chromed set of battery covers alone. Their going in on Monday, won a set of used battery covers on ebay for 10 a piece. Figured I'd see how those turned out prior to sending in mine off my bike. I have gotten more info on this but before I pass it along, I want to see what kind of work they do. I'll keep you informed. God Bless and stay warm from the "other" Antartic. Mike
  11. I got one if you still need it. Mike
  12. I sent him another email looking for clarification on how this could be done with sets coming from all over the country. Haven't received a return yet, (actually sent after they were closed) Told them that they could be receiving sets from all over the country including our neighbors in Canada... yea same ones who sent this Alberta clipper our way... When I get a response I'll let everyone know. God Bless. Mike
  13. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=31088 Have a look at this thread, pretty good prices in my opinion.
  14. Got a hold of a chroming company called South Bay Chrome http://southbaychrome.com/ and received a quote Here's our pricing for the passenger floor boards: 1 set at a time: $40.00 ea piece x 2 = $80 10 -20 sets: $30 each x2 21-100 sets: $25.00 each x2 This obviously don't include shipping which would be needed both ways. I'm going to send in my set to see how they turn out and will get back with everyone. If they are indeed a quality finish, I will make arrangements with company on how to set everything up to do a quantity order. Hope this makes sense. All I know is if I can get a set of chromed floorboards for those anemic aluminum ones at 1/3rd to 1/5th the price, I'm in. God Bless. Mike
  15. Sent out 2 emails to companies that chrome items. Getting price for 1 set and 20 sets. I'm quite sure we could get 20 people on here to send them in if the $$ are right. I'll let ya know what I find out. God Bless. Mike
  16. Not many things get my stomach turning and eyes welling, but your love for your kids and your posting are so deep rooted that I could'nt help myself. I really don't know what else to say but I pray that God keeps your family strong, your faith in knowing their playing with our lord, and more then likely riding 3 wheelers across the heavens. God Bless. Mike
  17. Now I am grateful someone from here got that gem. Since I located it and posted it, you got to show me that bike in person someday. If I had the money, I'd been the one bragging trust me Very happy for you, envious but happy. Enjoy the ride and look forward to seeing it in person. God Bless. Mike
  18. Something to consider. I just installed on on my RSTD but they do make one for the 2nd gen ventures. Slides right in and out. QUICK install. Any questions I have pics. God Bless. Mike http://www.protac.net/9243.html
  19. Yep he must be busy,I sent out mine yesterday to him. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1023/cat/7
  20. what Bubber said right size and I'll take 2. God Bless. mike
  21. Nope, still burning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centralia,_Pennsylvania Interesting read though. God Blless. Mike
  22. Mikealiasmike

    got it

    Neat pictures Pete.
  23. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28002&highlight=speed+bleeders this gave me the answers. Forgot, Yammer Dan also gave me the web site to buy them. 7.00 each x 4. Thanks again Dan
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