If you would like more info. on Amsoil oil go to www.amsoil.com . They have more info. than I can explaine.
Compaire Amsoil & Mobil 1 you will see they are almost the same.both very good in my books.
I use Amsoil because wallie world cannot keep mobil 1 instock,half the time they forget to order more oil,So I just stay with Amsoil,order it over the net,del. straight to my door within 3-4 days.
When I bought my venture off the first owner he said he used
only Mobil 1 cycle oil,so I didnot change oil for sometime,later on the water pump started leaking out the weap hole so I took it apart to rebuild,once I was inside I looked around and found that it was like new.and this bike had over 50,000mi...
WOW looked further in and everything in perfect order,So Mobil 1 does its job!
So either way Amsoil cycle oil or Mobil 1 cycle oil you will be getting your money worth,I know they are high,but they go a long long time