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About buddy

  • Birthday February 3

Personal Information

  • Name
    Buddy Armstrong


  • Location
    Marlow, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    God,family time,motorcycle,horses,sports
  • Bike Year and Model
    Goldwing candy black cherry


  • Occupation

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  1. We stopped riding 5-6yrs ago. Haven't been on here enough lately. Funny thing is we hear from our family here than my own family when the weather is bad in our area checking up on us. Long story short even though you stop riding your still family. Tell Ron hi for me. Miss you both Buddy & Peggy
  2. Looking good puc... These be perfect for my old knees.
  3. Sorry but not for me ! Can't see spending over 26,000.00 for a Cross country knock off .. yes their discounted yet I can get a showroom victory cross country for 16,900
  4. That's what we lack this yr ! Been a warm winter here! it's been green grass pretty much all winter .kinda scary for our part of area . But the horses sure do love !
  5. Thanks Dan I agree with you kinda $$ GL1500 around here are selling for 2800.00-3400.00 Kinda eyeing a GL1800 right now their asking 4500.00 but we will see
  6. Photo not me or Peg it belongs to a member on GoldWing forum . I have pulled a 6x10 utility trailer with my 90 GL1500 to my Buddy house 5 mi away ! That was a eye opener lol he needed the trailer and I was going on a group ride so two stones in one trip if I can find the photo I'll post it lol
  7. buddy

    Black Owl

    Sorry to hear this. please keep owl and family in our prays ! Thank you for letting us know
  8. Having the power to tow your friends Ultra Classic home .. needless to say couple of our HD friends dint like the photo lol. Don't get me wrong I like HD but I love it more picking on my buddies !
  9. Maybe looking for one with training wheels lol
  10. Yep Peg misses more than me lol ! Four more yrs I can retire from the city and Peg stated we may move to AR as she loves the area ! And be closer to our friends . For us to enjoy good riding we have to go 300 mi from our home ,our area not great for scenic riding and the roads not that great either. before I buy a bike I'll have to down size our vech's as we have too many lol three 4x4 trucks and two cars and it's just me and Peg also may be getting my moms car too that I bought fews yrs back she in her 80's . All goes well we may be riding again soon ? Peg had it her way we still have the blue GoldWing .
  11. Well it looks like I might be back to riding ? Peg been missing it more than me ! So after three or so years It looks like we might be riding this yr if I find a good deal on a Goldwing 1800 since I can handle it better than a venture - top heavy . figure buy a high mileage Wing for a better price and with my knees I might get few more yrs so there no since in buying a newer Wing with a loan payment. We will be trailering it to our out of state rides as well. the 600-700 mile day trips are long gone for me and Peg . Peg loves riding in AR area around Eureka Springs and Paris area as well hint hint to Colesgrandpa . So if all goes well you guys will be seeing Buddy & Peg aka Snowflake again might even bring back the Eureka Springs meet next yr?.
  12. Eck that happened to me before I could not back up my bike so I used the little button on right handle bar you know the one its for reverse mode it kicked the relay couple times due the steep road but it worked good for me
  13. First and for most? Why cylinder heads rebuilt Also mileage ? Only time I seen head work was round 300,000 mi sounds far out but true some of my friends had high miles Also ask bout stator ? Ever been replaced as motor has to be removed to service while engine is running listen to the stator it should be low tone if any rattling noise stator needs service bike this old will have issues check for rust-wiring-lines-cluster-brakes etc etc
  14. Due to issues Peg & I will not be going to the rally so I cancelled my reservation today at 8:40am June 23 at Comfort Suites ph: 636-949-0694 so if anyone wants to move over to Comfort suites first come first serve ask for Kelly as she did my cancelation my last name is Armstrong. they have no rooms left! but one that I canceled[/b]
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