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Everything posted by BradT

  1. HAHA so I am not the only one that uses that BUTTON. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36283 NEver knew there was one on the left side. Well actually I was told before but never use those for anything. Too Small to look for. Thanks again Don Brad
  2. Barend exactly what I said in a different way. But yes this is what I was talking about. It normally is the first button/link or whatever you call it, that i hit when I log in. It was missing at least two days but not sure how many. Screwed me up one day as I was not sure I was logging in properly. All better now thanks.. BRad
  3. When mine acted up this was the wire that I played with, squeezed the connector and it worked fine, after that Brad
  4. Yup, You like Food ! Could not resist Bob Brad
  5. Hey Don, I am sure we had a New post button on the home page but I do not see it anymore, is it possible to add one ? Maybe there was never one there but it looks like it could fit in there real easy Thanks Brad
  6. I have seen two first gens with Harley pipes on them. Not sure what has to be done, but appearantly it is not that bad Brad
  7. Glad to Hear she is feeling better. Brad
  8. I would check the average after about 10 tanks and would think that you may not notice a difference. Also for information remember when we (Canadian) are talking about MPG we may be talking about imperial gallons which are 1.2 times larger. So 36 is actually 30 mpg. Attached is a spreadsheet of my mileage on our trip last year. Riding two up and pulling a loaded trailer, full of shoes (eck this way nothing will move around) Brad
  9. Wow you saold that pretty quick, Well you know what they say ................ Congrats to you and the new Venture rider. BRad
  10. I remember the loud pipes seems that I was always within ear shot. Also had to dodge a few rockets flying back. Hope all is well and I doubt we will be making Vogel but hope you have a great time BRad
  11. Comments in the quote Above
  12. Dirty Carbs, they need a cleaning. Try some seafoam for a few tanks and it should get better assuming cables are not the problem. Had this happen once before, cleaning the carbs did the trick BRad
  13. Not sure but most just remove the four bolts that attach the round tube just under the rear fender, and replace with the new hitch. Posting a picture of the hitch may help. There was a company called Den Ray in Quebec that had one for an RSV which sort of slipped over this round bar (mentioned above) Brad
  14. I do now ! Must be related to the Heart Attack grill. And by the look of the sign you should get along in there just fine. GSCbertrand be carful what you ask for:sign20: Brad
  15. No Way ! When I am out with other people and Brad is not around, my name is angle. (I behaved like a lady today, right Swifty) ? Naugh-T
  16. for coming out riding again(Brad left for the states this morning)it was a nice ride,could of been a little faster (speed I mean)great site to meet people and make such good friendships(thanks Don)and Swifty I think your right about tomorrows weather,see you tomorrow night for bike night. Brad you need to hurry home I think Ben misses you:Laugh: Naugh-T
  17. Rhonda got out the charger but Swifty decided to push it instead, actually he had Rhonda and my 14 yr old, push him while he tried to bump it. I would have went with the charger before I pushed it. Guess I may be in need of a Battery. You got that one right, you can add weld burns, to getting dirty. Brad
  18. Thanks Brad, for leaving me with the two kids, and Broken Bike. But thanks to Swifty who stopped by and got my bike going, I was able to leave the kids at home. But I know he just wanted to me to ride with him ! Naugh-T
  19. Any tire that is low air pressure will heat up faster and at a higher temperature. The tire rating basically states the max load only, does not mean to run the tire lower than the rated pressure. I Always run at the rated pressures, just my two cents. Brad
  20. I would never get it done, but would love to try and restore something. Sure liked the late 60's Cougars. I would have to move first as my garage is no where big enough to try. Hope you get some enjoyment out those cars, some day. This is an interesting thread. Brad
  21. Just proves that You really are Canadian, Mr. Owl Brad
  22. Well the first pics sometimes looks like my daughters bedroom. Trying to clean up my garage as I hate a mess, but it never seems to get cleaned up. I do manage to get the car in during the winter. Brad
  23. Is this the one you are refering too. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34957 Brad
  24. Jeepers Juggler why did you make that test so Difficult ? Brad
  25. Congrats to you. Here hoping for many enjoyable miles. Don called me while standing beside the bike he looked at for me. Even thou he did not like the colour of my 99:think: Brad
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