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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Guess we are going to have to look into that T505. Thanks for the post Reiny. Just for info a lot of companies are making it policy that you can NOT drive a company vehicle and talk on the phone. You have to pull over or let the machine get it. Brad
  2. Just Northern Ontario, Naugh-T calls it crest as well. Brad
  3. The G1 is probably better for you, as you probably are darting through some traffic. We like to go on longer rides, so I found the second gen better for me. If I get on it hard in the twistys I find my feet near the rear of the floorboards. BRad
  4. This is what I thought too, when I owned the first gen. I was concerned when looking, but with more miles on the 2nd gen, I do like it better. I can stretch out and move around more. Agree with Squid it is not a slouch and is fun to ride. Brad
  5. Nic turn out, sounds like you all had a great time. Good job. One of these days it would be nice, but labour day is just not a good time for us Brad
  6. :rotf:
  7. Have Fun getting it out of there. A long T-handle allen wrench will come in handy. Then try and get it out. Brad
  8. Glad he is okay. Hope he learned from this and Curious how old is he ? Brad
  9. We are happy for you all. Congrats Brad and Rhonda
  10. No I told everyone about the Celebrity I know and they can't wait to meet you:rotf:.
  11. I got a small trailor to pull behind the bike for those times, but it is all about shoes. Very Nice trailer I have one similar, but it was home made, and it is great to tow the bike when you have too. Brad
  12. Take it anyway and then come and get it, however I doubt Reiny wants to keep in the garage that long ! Brad
  13. Sue congrats to you. All the best with it. Brad
  14. so glad to hear she is better Brad
  15. Maybe you are both right they speak funny out West, as well as South. Brad
  16. When you start a new thread or replying to a thread scroll down until you see a manage attachements link. Select it then browse for the photo and upload it. Looking forward to seeing the pics Brad
  17. Yes she cleaned up well, lucky we didn't have the cage or she may be Canadian by now. Rhonda would have adopted. We went for Dog food and she came back with another Kitten (#3). Brad
  18. Nice Photo. As good as Al Bates ? ! Brad
  19. I never change oil grades. Mother when you coming over to help me change the winter Blinker Fluid. Brad
  20. Mine is funny as well. I do not get clicking, but I get a nasty squeal, if only my headset is plugged in. I did find that when riding by yourself I have to turn the Intercom down. I still am not sure what the proplem is but I think it is a bad ground somewhere. Brad
  21. So when you coming to Canada, you have not been here for over a year ! It's really not the far. He knows a few roads around here, sure you would have a couple as well. Yes the results would be interesting. Brad
  22. What did you buy her ? Congratulations Wayne and Robin. Brad
  23. Very Nice Pictures, Steve. Brad
  24. Sorry Vern, Naugh-T started that one. Brad
  25. Boy you have a lot of time on your hands, to be able to find a site like that. Brad
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