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Everything posted by BradT

  1. You betcha. He lives in Burlington only a couple hundred thousand people there, I will also drive all the streets looking for him waiting for me. Brad
  2. Congrats to her. David does she give you the keys when it is time to fix it ? Or when it needs gas, Naugh-T hates going to gas station Brad
  3. Arn't you are suppose to be away ? I believe you deleted those pictures but I know where I can find a copy of a green bike on a trailer. Brad
  4. What ever colour she chooses. BRad
  5. Seems to happen once in a while. Brad
  6. You have never had a ride in a car, truck, or bus ...........? Brad
  7. Just because you don't know how. I doubt you can't even delete my confirmed messages. ! Brad
  8. Is there a way to delete all the confirmed messages at one time instead of one page at a time ? Brad
  9. Personally I agree and think it is wise to bring the new products out when the economy is doing well so that it sells. Too many companies will cut back too far and then when things pick up they can not handle the work load. Swifty no need to add any comments to these posts:stirthepot: Brad
  10. So how many bikes we getting in there this winter. I am sure I can add couple ! Brad
  11. What a neat idea. Snaggletooth do you have a cage ? He did not say on a bike. Brad
  12. I think I saw a 2nd Gen on a trailer before, Right Don ! Brad
  13. You still have the first Gen ? IS it still sitting under a tarp Brad
  14. Interesting. Not sure why motorcycle production has dropped for 4 years in a row. Seems odd to me. Maybe they were over producing in the first place. I work for a manufacturer in the construction industry and 2005-2008 were record breaking years. The Construction industry is suppose to be a drop of 55% which sounds horrible however this is a 55% drop from previous years which were not the norm. So the big question what is the norm and then if you compare this years sales to the norm it is not as bad as it sounds. (obviously not good but not as bad as the numbers show, guess it depends on how you look at the numbers). I know off topic but was trying to put some positive on the negative Brad
  15. I have Firefox loaded now and it gives me a red line if I spell something incorrectly. Also has stopped that problem where the posts go off the screen. Carl you ought to try it, it is better than that old Dictionary you use. Brad
  16. No snow here, but I am sure the weather is still nicer there. Enjoy Brad
  17. Hey Bart Welcome to the site and hope you get your problem figured out. Brad
  18. Yup he is top notch and he will walk you through it. Then you let Squid get his hands dirty. Seemed like he wanted to do it more than I did Brad
  19. Find a US address to ship them too and go for a road trip. If you pick them up on the US side, there should be NO duty, when crossing back. However to bring them across the border you are suppose to claim them and the pay the tax, unless you have been on the US side for more than 72 hours, which allows you I think it is up to 750 per person. Brad
  20. Wayne there is a place in Quebec that Garmin uses as a repair depot and I believe they sell reconditioned units with warranties. You may get the Zumo 550 for the same price you thinking of paying. I can help get the name if you want but Garmin can direct to them as well. Brad
  21. Gary Enjoy the ride in the South. Bring back some of that nice weather please we could use some up here this year. Brad
  22. Nice Job. Sure looks strong, you will never have troubles with that Hitch. Made mine as well. Brad
  23. That is what I was looking for. Thanks and Nice job Brad
  24. Now that is Funny ! Brad
  25. I am sure she wants to spend her Birthday with all of you ! That one could almost get you in Trouble ! Brad
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