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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Make sure you light bar wires are long enough that when and if you need to take it off, it can lay down on a covered front fendor. The one I have when you need to take it off it hangs from the wires. Gonna change that someday haha. Brad
  2. Skid Nice picture. Always liked a good snow storm. (just not when I traveling). Brad
  3. Rhonda had a similar experience yesterday. At Tim Horton the guy in front of her went to pay for his coffee's and Milk for his son with his bank card.Timmy's does not accept Interact and that was all he had and could not pay, the guy behind him threw 5 bucks on the counter and said Merry Christmas. When the guy who paid, got to the counter and ordered almost the same thing, the lady behind the counter would not accept his money. Tough times out there, but it is nice to see people helping others. Brad
  4. That is great news. All the best with the new job. Brad
  5. Welcome to the site. Nice list of questions and Bummer has it nailed down pretty good. Brad
  6. I can't figure out why you just don't look a the GPS. Never look at the speedo anymore. Brad
  7. Looks like you have a project for the winter. Have fun. BRad
  8. BradT

    J&M headset

    I had a set of IMC, not sure model but I would not buy them again. Sound was horrible (tinny). Bought a cheap J&M set and the sound is much better, but still not good. The J&M's were almost half the price of the IMC's Brad
  9. I heard that one before but I was real young then. Brad
  10. 10 guys - I think it would not be a good idea to give them a paint brush. Yah Carl good luck with the move, I know a couple of those guys. Brad
  11. Take care and all the best. Brad
  12. BradT

    volt meter

    Where and how do these mount on the RSV ? Who has a photo ? Thanks Brad
  13. BradT


    Never been there, so where are the pictures ? Sounds like fun, enjoy ! Brad
  14. Take out the light, sometimes the ground wire breaks off the housing and needs to be re soldiered. If it is okay use a multi meter and check for power back to the switch. Brad
  15. I always like reading this Thread, it comes up every year, It sure is interesting reading. Normally a Turkey with Dressing, potato, gravy and buns, is what we have in October. Brad
  16. Sue glad to hear all went well, don't rush it. Kevin we don't need the pictures:think: Brad
  17. You haven't met Naugh-T's mother (GrandmaK) have you ? Brad
  18. I spoke to Seafoam rep years ago when they were trying to import it into Canada, and was told 1oz per gallon is all that is needed to maintain cleanliness 2oz per gallon for cleaning in the fall to fog the engine by pouring directly into the carbs and let it stall then park it for the winter. Brad
  19. Glad to hear, wished I was riding but work still seems to get in the way. Brad
  20. I have personally met a lot of these guys and we REALLY do not want "Brief Nudity" either. The Swamp monsters is more than enough. Brad
  21. Just look at Mr. Owls avatar, he watching you. Brad
  22. That's because you were out with Cindy, "been there and done that" Dale seems to add a little excitement as well. Brad
  23. Now that was Brad
  24. I have a few pictures of the Dunlop 404's in my gallery as well, One thing though dirty white walls on a clean bike makes the bike look dirty. Once you get them you have to keep the white walls clean Brad
  25. Mr. Owl always thinks we are counting 3 members to every one in Ontario But we all know he has a hard time Counting. We can thank Reiny for getting Yamaha to the Kitchener Ralley. Brad
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