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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Yes it does are they making WWW in the right sizes ? Brad
  2. Very sorry to hear of your Familys loss. Brad
  3. I liked this one better than the Dragon. Prefer the long sweeping curves over the tight corners. Brad
  4. Agree with this one. Have them check the valves again with you watching, also the carb sync. Brad
  5. I like that one Brad
  6. You and Sherry not going to go with them ? Staying up here in the nice weather. Hope they have a good time BRad
  7. Think I have a picture of that somewhere. Bob, I think that was a better option, lots of room. Careful the tongue weight is not too light either. The trailer will push your car around quite a bit. Have good time, while away. Brad
  8. Manitoba insurance and can't afford a 2nd gen, makes perfect sense to me. Brad
  9. Bob I would be a little concerned with the weight which may be shifted forward increasing the tongue weight which the Monti may not like. Guess it depends on where the Center of Gravity of the bike is and compare that to where the trailer axle is. I assume the weight of the trike kit would move CG to the rear of the bike. Brad
  10. Played Hockey for 15 years when I was a kid and enjoyed but I never did like watching it. Brad
  11. But have you ever played it ? Not the same thing as watching it ! Brad
  12. Lots of doors are open and waiting, (but we will not hold our breath). Waiting a few months will take some of the fun out of it. Brad
  13. I think they are just getting lazy, as you can wash and wax the wing much quicker. Brad
  14. Up here they do not even look at it when you call it home made, besides they would not know if it was purchased or home made. Good luck Brad
  15. Oh I bet she was impressed. Your gonna have to find some more of those Brownie points as I bet you lost the ones you picked up in Vegas. I hope you did not have to back up a mile and half. Brad
  16. Sorry Steve, got it from the site, maybe someone on here has a larger version. Brad
  17. Mr. Owl, I had to look for it, but found it. Hows your math these days ? I knew it would come back to haunt you ! Brad
  18. Mr. Owl I know you can't remember the REAL story, or figure out the riddle. Double membership 5 new posts = ?H?I?N?T??B?E?L?O?W? Brad
  19. 94% 17 miles 394 secs I did it a few months back and did not do that well
  20. And you can't seem to find Pictures of a Green Bike on a Trailer ? Brad
  21. Must be closed already warm here, at least for the end of January Brad
  22. So Are you saying Carl could use a small spray before he meets her or buy her a gift ? If we posted the above as a POLL, any guess' on which would get the most hits. Brad
  23. I think a 1/16" of an inch will affect the torque reading by only 1 ft lb. A little grease on the threads, or not holding the torque wrench at right angles will affect the reading more than the c-c distance of the tool. Brad
  24. http://www.carolmitchell.ca/bio.php Hopefully she did not forget what it is like to have a small business, Good Luck Brad
  25. Goose absolutely this is the best way and that was one concern I had, but I also had the impression that removing the fairing was a lot of work. Liked this thread as this is one thing, I definitely wanted to complete before riding season. Thanks Brad
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