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Everything posted by BradT

  1. We made it home just before 10. Had a nnice ride but sure cooled off the last hour. Brad
  2. Sorry to hear and All the best to you and your family. Brad
  3. I agree with the red arrows. Just remember front and rear bank are different holes (large or small) cant remember which one was which. Brad
  4. Gary you rode Rhonda's Victory it clunks a little as well but that is the way it is. I am sure nothing to worry about. Still lots of positives to put up with a little clunking. Glad your enjoying it. Brad
  5. He's a teacher..... Off mid afternoon should be able to take your time. Brad
  6. If you wait you will find a good deal then trailer it home (after some paperwork), Did it a couple times now. Brad
  7. Just like most of your posts. Brad
  8. MD is on Saturday You start when ? Is Swifty going to Take Don's bike for another Ride ?
  9. I would use a little white grease in the ignition from a spray can before WD40. Should help, if not the part I believe is just over 200 bucks, plus labour if you dont do it yourself. Not hard to fix but a pain. Brad
  10. Brought this up years ago, I believe it is pre set by Don and he increased it but still believe it is only an hour or so. Start at the back and work your way forward then use todays post when it becomes old post HAHA. Brad
  11. Now that was Funny. Brad
  12. Not sure your routing but getting real cold up here hope you have some warm clothes. Also not sure your timing or plans but Marcarl has a meet on Saturday. Only Day's ride to Montreal after that. Enjoy and keep us up to date on your plans. Brad
  13. Good to hear you finally listened to the right advice. Should have called a 865 km day felt real good. I think John attracts roof top lights. LOL Brad
  14. Noticed that as well with Naugh-T's Victory seems a little slugish from idle for a V-Twin, at least compared to her 1100 Virago. (never rode the hardley). Don' take long for it to catch up HAHA. Brad
  15. Yup can not disagree with this comment HAHA. I am sure you will enjoy it and I too like it better than the Vision, very nice looking Brad
  16. Don't take long to get used to. Had a bottom freezer for a long time and it is nice. Suppose to be a lot better efficiency as well so everyone happy . Brad
  17. Had something like that a while ago it was some little cheap part. Sorry can not answer which one but still cost a small fortune for the service man to diagnos. BRad
  18. Omr in the garage owned by Naugh-T Brad
  19. To Easy ........ Trailer looking good. Could have saved time painting and let Don cover it with stickers. Brad
  20. All the best David. Brad
  21. VR wont go away to soon, at the rate Don is wearing his RSV out we going to be here a while. BRad
  22. Riders plus is the same as what I have. You pay pro rated see below. The only way you can stop paying is to cancel if you cancel there is a bunch of other BS. They may not cover you when you want coverage or have to pay higher fees. They get you either way. If you have an accident you live with that for the next 5 years. No jumping around or else they just do not cover you or charge big bucks once again. 1,100 you would be happy to pay HAHA. November, December, January, and February is 0% March is 5% April is 10% May is 10% June July and August is 20% September is 10% October is 5%
  23. Voltage was up there on the battery but will check that first thing in the morning. It is the year for Battery's. Truck and car got one over the winter. Garden tractor battery needs to be replaced. Brad
  24. Not sure if this is the right place, but have an electrical issue with a 08 Victory Vegas Low. Turn the key on lights come on powers up. Goes through the normal clicking sounds. Hit the starter everything is dead. Fuse box has 6 mini fuses then 3 relays and then 2 larger relays which are Primary and Secondary Lighting. These two relays are clicking away, take them out then back in resets everything. With the primary relay out all the lights are working, hit start and everything is gone, all power is gone. System will reset it self and again same thing. The question is where and what and I looking for. I was thinking the starter switch is grounding out or a a short circuit somewhere in the starter switch wiring ? I have wiring diagram and it looks a very simple circuit Seems like the ECM, controls everthing. Brad
  25. Welcome. Some of us get together here and there all summer long, come join in. Brad
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