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Everything posted by BradT

  1. I get about 230km (actualy it is about 145 miles) before reserve, did this many times running to Michigan as we hit reserve just before getting to the ferry or the bridge. I never get 290 on the highway. I have hit reserve at 130 miles (210 km) and that was pushing it. Brad
  2. I can't understand, why would you want another one ? Brad
  3. Link did not work for me. It started a video then went to some sort of a menu. BRad
  4. Welcome and hope you get it running better. As mentioned a little more info and we can help you narrow it down. Brad
  5. That must be the reason no one gives away second gen parts. Brad
  6. I am waiting up, you never know when he starts giving away second gen parts Brad
  7. Nice and thanks for the comments on the packing, I was wondering if I should doit as well. Brad
  8. Interesting thread. Born in 65 I missed the late 60's but I think each generation after that, has had there own thing. Really wished I seen a little more of the 60's muscle car era. By the time I was driving and affording a car these were getting too expensive to purchase or find. BRad
  9. Me in the morning. Brad
  10. I think when I did mine I only had about 3 different size shims in the engine from new. I was quite impressed how accurate the casting was machined to be so close. Brad
  11. Smarty ! Now just try and get that in the frame with the covers, and maybe that engine wont fit anyway. Brad
  12. I remember doing that a few years back. Same Problem. Brad
  13. Nice guy. Bridgestones for Sue ! Brad
  14. Midnight the picture shows the top nut already backed off but that photo is from the tech article correct. Too loosen that top nut I used a open end wrench turn the bars to the left and pull on the wrench. Make sure it is sitting on the nut very well. It is tight and may require a pipe on the wrench to help. Some say they can move it with Channel lock pliers but I would not even think of it. I am sure it would slip. Brad
  15. Then why is it the two of you go riding all summer by yourselfs ? Brad
  16. Wide open on this one but it is a Family site so I will not say anything Brad
  17. I bet you were not far off here. If you knew the weight of the bike you could probably calculate the weight on each tire.
  18. Almost gone here, just some small banks left. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Brad
  19. Cindy is gonna be sure they do now ! She is gonna Brad
  20. Yah Funny Guy Eh ! Vern. Honestly I have misplaced a piece of paper that I need to register the bike. MTO requires this form that was given to me at the border, but not sure where it went too. Got everything else done and now I am waiting for that paper to come in the mail. So no she can not drive it legally yet ! DAN sorry I missed you both here and in Milwaukee Brad
  21. You can get a temperary tag in Ontario if you have insurance, go to Quebec and ride it home if it was plated when you bought it. THe problem is that you have to get the temp tag within the 6 days from Purchase date now if you did not transfer owner ship you may have had a chance to get a date suitable (not recomended). If you are within 6 days you should still be able to get the temp tag. You can also ask if it is not too many days past and you may get one. Failing this you will have to trailer it home or get a Quebec Temp tag but think that is harder/more work than Ontario. Should not be any Quebec sales tax just to trailer it home. Good Luck Brad
  22. I agree and obviously the rider, passenger and load in the bags will change the Center of Gravity. BRad
  23. We all already new that so it did not matter if he put it on Record. Second beer always helps Brad
  24. You can go with an aftermarket J&M not too expensive. I would suggest Sierra Electronics, for the best service. BRad
  25. Did it a few years back and the roads were a little rough, but the scenary was very nice. I would watch out for the moose on top of the mountains but they seemed pretty tame it is the cars that stopped in the middle of the road you had to watch. Take some side roads of to the water and you can watch for some whales. Enjoy the trip Brad
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