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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Saw that on the news, did not look nice, hoping the best for all. Brad
  2. Not sure this would help but we plan on stopping by. Naugh-T does NOT like icecream, unless it is Peanut Butter Chocolate (is this the first one who does not like icecream) Brad
  3. But you did a fine Job ! Brad
  4. A couple 500 mile days cruising at 80 mph + pulling a trailer was not a problem. I little sluggish in mountains out West, but still not a problem. Brad
  5. Your probably started it. Brad
  6. Hope you two had a great day Brad
  7. Possibly and I believe they will have a record of where they went. I doubt there was any order as to which numbers went where. Randy enjoy the ride. Brad
  8. What happened to the bikes between 799 and 1005 seems like a pretty big jump. Brad
  9. The ground wire on the back of the stereo goes around to the frame on the right side, just behing the frame neck. It can get corrided. I don't think it will help much. I am thinking that the stereo or the controller is acting up, which should easily be warratny. Dealer should not have to keep it while waiting for parts, if needed. Brad
  10. I think the standard were DS or something with two letters ? Brad
  11. And you agreed to ride for 2 bucks Brad
  12. How old is the battery ? If the battery is getting tired, and you hit the ignition switch, the bike starts but the trip odometers will reset. Also if the bike has sat for a while the battery drains and same thing happens. This may be the problem. Brad
  13. It was my understanding that using synthetics was best on older engines, as it helps the worn parts (maybe higher viscosity when hot). Brad
  14. A buddy had a 87 Dodge Omni GLH and that little four banger moved along pretty good for a square box. Brad
  15. Mine came on once before and never again. Did not find it useful enough to replace the sending unit. Not sure if it hurts anything else but i do not think so. BRad
  16. Very nice job. I would run a few more tanks before making any adjustments as this could be from sitting. Run it for a while it may lean up a bit on its own. Brad
  17. A whole 2 bucks ?? Glad you enjoyed your ride. Brad
  18. Yes there is a single wire with I think it is called a bullet connector it gets loose and the gauge acts up. pull it apart and Squeeze it a little and put it back. Brad
  19. Quit btchin the coffee is free. Brad
  20. Well at least she bought 2 recliners and not just one for her. Brad
  21. I think you are reading a little too much between the lines ? But that was funny:rotf: Brad
  22. That is only if you follow the posted speed limit. Even at the 110 or 120 you can still get the ticket in an 80 zone. Speedo is off approx 6-7% and odometer is approx 2% Brad
  23. Personally it should not matter if he had illegal drugs, or legal drugs in his system charges should have been on the spot. Makes no sense to me. All the best to the family's Brad
  24. I just use a wind proof lighter. Picked them up at the buck store, uses regular Butane to refill and works well. Brad
  25. They are used to it, they let Charlie, Kevin and a few others in before meeting them as well. Just a little too far for the meet but would really like to be there. (not that hot yet) Brad
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