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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Shouldn't take that long from Brantford. Congrats and have a good time where ever you end up. Brad
  2. Guess I am Guilty ! All Better now Brad
  3. I am sure it is not the same. Brad
  4. IF you get the VIN number the 10th difit is the year, if it is a P it is a 93, and a R is 94. At least this is what year they said it was made. May have been sold as a new 94 but I would assume it is actually a 93 Curious what Yamaha classified it as ? Brad
  5. You do not have to split the crankcase to get at the pistons and not sure why you want too. IF they are replacing head gasket you do have to remove the engine to get the heads off. Then you have access to the pistons just flip the engine over remove the oil pan, oil pump then you can get at the connecting rod caps. Remove two bolts and push piston out of the cylinder. You need a long extension and a swivel to get the caps off. I figured they would just re-torque the bolts this can be done without removing the engine but you have to pull the cams to tighten the head bolts. This should not be an 8 hour job at least for a mechanic, me yes probably more . Big job either way. I am curious what is the oil seal ?, I was thinking valve seals but they do not need to touch them Brad
  6. What took you so long ? Getting slow are yah, Dan would say because you ride a second gen but I would not say that, I would say ..................... ! Brad
  7. I bet it's all gone, yah that is it ! Brad
  8. I was home in the morning but was busy working, afternoon had some running around to do. Next time you come up give us a call. Brad
  9. Larry sorry to hear. Ask them to change the oil and filter, as it will be the only way to be sure, but I doubt there is any damage to the bearings. My only concern is the repair ? Are they torquing the head bolts or replacing head gaskets. I assume they are only torquing. I have mixed opinions on which is best. Hope it comes home soon. Brad
  10. No ! This is more like Charlie's thinking, which is not Canadian Either. Brad
  11. Red, Enjoy the trip, nice haul from Wisconsin ! Dan must be the place to be, starting to think there something going on down there ? Brad
  12. Good reply Swifty. I was going to say that steering head may be too loose as that is how my 2nd gen feels, when brgs are loose. I was also going to mention the height, first gen is taller than the second gen but if you can't reach ground with some room to spare you may have troubles with the first gen. (same on the second gen) I think the first gen is more top heavy than a second gen but it is easier to ride at slow speeds. Brad
  13. I bought a set from Jake Wilson last year, still on the bike. Good service to the door, I was pleased. Did not have to return anything so not sure how they would re-act if there was a problem. Brad
  14. Only because he is never in Ohio, sort of like a visitor but leaves money behind to pay taxes. Ohio has the best of both worlds. Dave Glad to hear you made it safe and sound, now Brad has someone to keep him out of trouble. BRad
  15. That must have hurt. BRad
  16. You do they are called Torsion axles, and you actually have two, my apologies for misleading you to believe you only have one axle. Brad
  17. Why are you guys sitting on the tank ? Brad
  18. Now that seems like a good place to have a Red light camera. Gonna bring in some good cash that is definetly worth it Brad
  19. Take the bulb out as well as the ground wire have a tendacy to break free and will require soldering. Does not normally happen at the same time but is a cause for one going out. Good luck finding the problem. Brad
  20. Great to hear your being taken care off in a manner that seems acceptable to you. Enjoy the launch and hopefully all will be fixed up on your return BRad
  21. Take a close look at each plug when it comes out and make sure you remember what one come from which cylinder. Spark plugs can really tell alot about how the engine is running. Brad
  22. I think the safe speed depends on a lot of things but the higher the speed the higher the risk. I pull mine chasing Naugh-T at 80 mph (on the GPS) without a problem most of the day. I also know i have crept over that speed to pass or catch up. I would follow the comments above but I believe a heavy object behind the wheels and even achieving a decent tongue weight will also make the trailer sway. All heavy items tools, or suitcase should be directly above the axles or towards hitch. Even a case of liwuid beverages should be ahead of the axle. I find the heavier hitch weight is better and riding solo will allow you to have more tongue weight than the 10% rule. Make sure you have Equal tire pressure as this will also cause you some grief, which the faster you go the bigger the issue you will have. Have fun, and you will get used to it very fast. Backing up is a Bit.h Brad
  23. Dumb question. Will reving a V-Twin, and running hard like the Venture, hurt the Twin ? Brad
  24. Hey Carl, it may be more than 10 minutes as there is two traffic lights along the route, which is only 9 miles away. I could go the long way and miss the traffic lights but that would add a couple of miles. Brad
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