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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Do you think ............... (better not finish that) Brad
  2. BradT

    A new toy

    Very Nice Eddie. Is that what your taking to the track against Swifty's first gen Brad
  3. I too was going to mention that the floats could be bad, or the little plunger with seal. Acts just like a stuck float. Good luck Brad
  4. Thanks, am I not invited. Not for a while but hope to get down that way again. Maybe we can see some of the country side, instead of highways. Brad
  5. We are hoping Bill wears this one out before that happens. Better take the ZX Brad
  6. Amazing how some OLDER posts just do not disappear ! ! Brad
  7. Just go to the jar of spare nuts and bolts that never found a place after working on them. Should find one in there, if not I have a jar you can pick from. I owned a first gen before. BRad
  8. BradT

    oil filter

    Now I have to ask what colour is the filter before you paint it ? Sad to say but I would never even thought about doing this. Brad
  9. Hey Swifty this has your name on it. Brad
  10. You could always sell it and get a whole garage full of first gens. Then you can work on it anytime you want, with lots of spare parts. Should be good for years. Brad
  11. Go with the J&M as it is the nicest add on unit. An MP3 player with a radio will work however i doubt the reception is much good. The DU model if you will have passangers. Antena bracket was easy to install not sure about the quality of the antena, but those you can get anywhere. Brad
  12. BradT

    My new Bike

    Very Nice. I doubt it will fit in the door, but you wil have to be careful coming out of the door. Hope no one is in a hurry. Brad
  13. BradT

    Vip Member

    306 at Sierra. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DJMCB2003%2DDU Brad
  14. You should have an intercom and CB on your 88. Assume this is for your wifes bike. A J&M CB on her bike and she will be able to talk to you and hear others as well. You can plug the a MP3 player into the J&M and it works well. She should not need the dual J&M unless she wants to talk to passengers. Naugh-T has a J&M and it works pretty good, pretty sure she likes it except sometimes she has to change to a different channel so that she can listen to her music. Brad
  15. At least we will know if it works. Brad
  16. But I never did anything this time Brad
  17. Darren, It's coming from Boomer not you. Brad
  18. Do I get to Guess ? Brad
  19. No fault here in Ontario, your not at fault your insurance pays to fix it and it costs you nothing, and rates do not go up. She is charged with an accident her insurance goes up even if they do not pay. IF she wants her vehicle fixed she pays her deductible, that is if she has collison insurance. Glad to hear it worked out. Brad
  20. Very nice indeed, I am sure that will be comfortable for that old driver. Brad
  21. Amazes me how people think that becomes a four way stop when you have a blinking yellow. Good luck with that one. Brad
  22. Not sure I unerstand this one. If they don't sell fuel, then it will be tough for them to make money to fight this problem. If they went bankrupt who would pay to fix this problem ? I too hope they do not make the money they are used too and to watch them stuggle finacially while they foot the bill for the cleanup. Brad
  23. Obviously he can't remember, jeepers that was almost 5 years ago, he can't remember what he did yesterday. Brad
  24. Hopefully they will learn after the second time. Brad
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