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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Looks like you had a good time. The 6th picture looks like it was on the Cabot trail. Brad
  2. Congrats to you for helping out. Just take care of yourself Brad
  3. Been away for a few days, and just got home today. We are sorry we missed it. Brad
  4. Welcome home. Glad you had a great trip. BRad
  5. I like the idea but if you called it a meet and eat maybe Eileen would be happier Brad
  6. Yes, Will a propane torch be hot enough ? If not once the pipes are heated with a real torch they should come loose as they cool. Brad
  7. I guess she finally slipped up. They always get caught. Brad
  8. You will have to look in Sleeper Hawk Mechanic photos, (I am sure she got a picture of you), then post it here. Brad
  9. Yup, had a neighbor help and the two of us could not twist it ! I will have to get to it later, no time right now. I am thinking heat is going to be the only way. Brad
  10. Wonder what type of BS Boomer was slinging. I am sure there could be a few captions Brad
  11. Don't even mention it and I doubt they would bend that far to look. They don't even care if you carry them home. Brad
  12. I have a set of Bub Slip-ons (on for one year), they slipped on but do not slip off, in fact they do not even pound off. I have split a few 2x4's trying to the get them off. Looked like it was slipping off but in fact the whole exhaust was slipping off. Pentrating oil did not help. I was able to get the tire on but I would really like to get that exhaust apart. I have access to a torch but not here. Is that going to be my only option? or does someone have any other tricks. ? Brad
  13. Good luck getting it fixed up. Going camping Saturday, pulling a heavy trailer and was concerned about mine. 50 thousands of an inch to the wear bars, so I going to change it tomorrow. I was going to measure before MD, but forgot, so have no bassis to figure how long that will last. Brad
  14. I would have said the same thing. Two people can pick it up and put in the back of a van or even a hatch batch. Probably do it yourself but it will not be fun. Careful can easily pull a muscle moving it around. Brad
  15. Saw that too ! I was goning to say something as well but I was going to be less BLUNT. Brad
  16. Party Animals ? . I am sure there would be a few good laughs the Monkey Boy to deal with Monkey Boy, now that is still funny Brad
  17. I normally stand behind my camera so can't post a picture. BRad
  18. Found one for you Dan. Your so welcome ! Brad
  19. Change the name before cancelling and call it a "Meet and Eat". Meet at your place for a couple of hours, then go for a ride and stop at a nice place to eat. Nothing fancy just a place that has some room and does not mind a little noise. Brad
  20. Just a few more photos to look at Brad
  21. :rotf: Brad
  22. And that huge cake was all gone ! Brad
  23. Ask Swifty, if there is any improvement, he most likely rode it further and harder than Don since it was done. Brad
  24. K-Bran always jumps in to help everyone out, with just about any task. I know he does not sit around much, but still never seems to have enough Round 2 its Brad
  25. Got her a CB so I don't have to read lips, as I will never hear her yelling at me. Brad
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