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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Take a look at this post. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34957 The bolts to take the switch apart have some loctite on them so it takes a bit of work to get them apart/ Good luck. If you get a new switch you still need to take them apart and use the old upper have and bottom of the new switch to use the same key. Brad
  2. Nice Camper. So when it is closed is the storage through the door under the bunks ? Looks like a lot of room what is she packing ? Brad
  3. Decided this morning to go so we leaft about 9 am got a good parking spot on Main street not to far away from Downtown and never saw one Venture Rider. Quite the crowd for sure. BRad
  4. Yah but I am sure glad he typed it out, and did not attach a video clip of him singing. Brad
  5. I hope the chrome is better on these. PB replaced two rims and tires for me no charge because they rusted real bad. The new ones are starting to rust as well. Pretty soon they will have to be painted. Glad you got them in time, and again PB came through, very good company to deal with Brad
  6. 136 bucks for the switch you should buy anyway, I paid almost 200 and got a good deal. Unless they have come down in price, they must have the wrong switch. Brad
  7. Brad Just looks like he is but really he is not. Good news Gary glad to hear. Brad
  8. Looks like Evan is going to have to close the gates and stop flooding them folks south of us BRad
  9. Lucky they did not give you a ticket for stopping on the highway unsafely I am sure he will be happy that someone returned all the ID and credit cards, hopefully before he cancels on the information. Brad
  10. Not sure about the start button but the push to talk button on my 99 did that last year. Cleaned the contacts and not been a problem since BRad
  11. Yah we know your mind wanders all over the place Brad
  12. May go down after work. Still lots of people but you can get decent parking spot and walk with bumping into people HAHA If it is a nice day it will be busy all day Brad
  13. Sounds like a great ride, Enjoy ! BRad
  14. I started watching and will finish it later, uck. Hate anything near my eyes so I think a local will not do the trick. All the best to you both with the situation with your eyes. But have to admit there is still hope they will advance a little more for the ones that can't see at all. Brad
  15. Glad to hear its gonna heal well. I am sure each day the pain will be less, but still gonna be a while before its better Brad
  16. Mr. Owl: "Now if I could only remember what to do, when we meet". Lowel: "Done ask me, I furgot alongg time hago"
  17. You Texans sure know how to highjack a thread. But sure is funny and dam hard not to say anything Brad
  18. 304 Stainless steel
  19. I think Joopster55 had a lowering kit and Levelling links on. You can make your own links and change the Center to Center distance on the holes that suit your needs. As long as it's not to drastic. I made a set half way between standard and Diamond R's links. Brad
  20. Glad you were able help out. Now it's riding time, when you coming to crazy womens show here in Canada to getthe knot in your head. Brad
  21. BradT

    New Camper

    Very nice. Congrats to you guys BRad
  22. Use a volt meter check to see if you have power after the ballast if not I would suggest that may be your problem. Mine did the same thing, Scot sent me a new one and it has worked ever since. Shuts off once in a while but turn key off and back on and it works fine. Brad
  23. Depends on what you want to do. If you want to ride head towards Bancroft, over to Dorset, to Algonquin park. Beautiful roads you will love them. The enhanced drivers license will get you home. Just as good as a passport Brad
  24. Mary hope you get better soon, then when you get out Gary can take of you for a few weeks. HAHA Seriously all the best. Brad
  25. Ian this person came directly in front but still a good idea to look behind you. Enjoy and have a save ride. Brad
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