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Everything posted by BradT

  1. No I live North of the 401. Understand your Daughter who only lives a couple miles from here, has to go to Brantford just to visit her mother:sign20: . Never could understand why people who have retired seem to never have any time to do anything. I am sure someday I will understand this one Brad
  2. 38 = 45.6 CDN MPG 40 = 48 CDN MPG I check my mileage often however it is used as a guide only, or to see how it can fluctuate 10 MPG depending on riding habits and conditions. Against the wind at 80 mph (on the GPS) will suck the tank dry pretty quick. Brad Brad
  3. Did not see the attachment with your results, did you forget to post them ? Brad
  4. If it is a good deal it may be worth the long distance ride Brad
  5. So where are all the pictures Brad
  6. Well he doesn't work so he has the time to find these places and I bet it was south of the 401 Brad
  7. I hope it does not sell and you find work soon. All the best Brad
  8. So what was it before ? Welcome another Newbie Brad
  9. Wow your speed limits are reasonable here they are 60 mph but everyone is running 70-80 and then there is a few that really cruise along Brad
  10. Conversation, or in Boomers case BS'n Brad
  11. Maybe your just not riding enough. Working too much Brad
  12. Welcome guys. You will fit in, if you show up at a meet and eat or even on the forum just post away. Hope you intend on sticking around. The meets and ralleys are always fun. Don not sure but did you miss the question here. I think this would be a great idea. I would like to see a way of sorting this members list for Paid Members, as most likely they may be more active here. Brad
  13. Red I understand seats for this riding come with an extra 5 gallon gas can. Steve as you know, every seat is not for everyone it is so hard to tell what is best for you without trying them. I hope you get the one you like on the first try. I'm okay with the Pillow top and never tried other types. Brad
  14. Don't think she wants to pull a trailer and I do not want to make a hitch. Not selling any of the three I have. Brad
  15. Was thinking the same thing, as soon as it rains the glue will get loose and the weight of the water will pull it off Brad
  16. Keith don't forget the rules pictures ! Enjoy Brad
  17. At 5-8 times the price you didn't get the same multiplier in speed, but that is fast. Brad
  18. Here's one for Annie Brad
  19. Good point. At half the price or less and you want a good dependable bike to RIDE then it can be worth it. Up here I am not sure but if you wanted to sell it, the buyer will not be able to License it, if it was a wreck Brad
  20. We walked around for a coupld hours ended up back at the bikes shortly after one and was not walking all the way back down to Timmies. Had enough, too many people, too hot and I was suppose to be working so we went home. Sorry we missed you guys. Brad
  21. Good Luck selling it but Not in the market have too many trailers now with no storage room. BRad
  22. Congrats and welcome. FLB yours was not the green one.
  23. Never knew that and it works to easy. Problem is that I never change the resolution so I will never remember how to do this. Brad
  24. Looks good as it is and if it's gonna rain lower the corner. No big deal. Already have the tarp, poles, and ropes to tie it off. How did you put the Vencro to the tarp ? Brad
  25. I believe this picture was taken on the interstate. Not my car but this person must not have been able to read the new signs. Brad
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