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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Do use it in your trailer tires ? Brad
  2. Gary these are Kinda like my vacations as well. Guess that what happens when you got to get back to work. Brad
  3. Hope the seals are your problem and good luck getting her running again, hopefully it is soon Brad
  4. Better buy some electric gear if you want to come up here in the summer. Rarely gets to 91 here, actually be lucky if we get one or two a year. I did not say snow but 50 and 60's is jacket weather for sure. Enjoy it while you can. Brad
  5. Always liked those intruders but never rode one. Looks like they could be fun. Nice looking A little more pep for sure. I think the 650 runs a just a little short of power on the highways. Brad
  6. Randy, sounds like you two are having fun. Better have a jacket when you get back up North. Brad
  7. Nice Guy ! Little ways North of here we have some nice roads that are not flat. But it would still be nice to see some of those Southern folks up this way. Brad
  8. Maybe you were the only one that noticed. You were hoping I am sure. I never posted anything because I never did anything Dumb before BRad
  9. Massey130 posted a link to his new business, above. Here is the contact info from his web site Brad Al's Snowmobile Parts Warehouse 3868 Pine Hill Rd. Newport, VT 05855 http://www.alssnowmobile.com/images/pixel.gif Phone: (802)-487-1000 24-Hour Fax: (802)-487-1015 E-Mail: info@alssnowmobile.com
  10. Kinda different business but glad he did not loose the business. I would imagine he would still build the small racks, if interested. Brad
  11. Bingo. Brad
  12. Looks good ! Brad
  13. How much pick me up are you looking for ? After 100,000 miles I would do a valve and ring job. This should help bring it back to like new condition. This wont cost that much so change all the seals while the engine is on the bench. Brad
  14. I too have the old bulb with me but where do you pack it and in what to protect it. ?? I pushed the glass end into a 2" cube of foam, wondering if there is anything better. Brad
  15. If you typically get your bike serviced at a dealer they may be able to do something for you. If it never sees a dealer I doubt you get much support. I too was wondering about the progressive on the front ? BRad
  16. Deadwood I liked that little town, or more so where it was located. Sounds like a similar trip to mine except in reverse. Enjoy BRad
  17. I did have that problem, but after MD I have not had a problem with it. Brad
  18. I never knew that feature was there. Before Venturers did the privacy act, an old friend of my wifes, who we lost contact looked up my name was able to get to my profile. Sent an email to the president who forwarded it to me. This privacy thing is for the people who don't want to found Brad
  19. Dunlop 404's WWW for me. They work and do not normally have any problems. Brad
  20. Looks like MarinerFan when he was at Don's. BRad
  21. Yes I forgot to write that part. :rotf:But the largest number using the last 6 digits should be the total # of bikes that were made in that year, not specific to Ventures. Brad
  22. Never drilled mine either and the sound was fine , untill I got the Bubs which I like more than the HD Pipes. Brad
  23. Can you shoot videos or still pictures with it as well. Brad
  24. The Last 6 digits will tell you how many bikes of all types they built. So, no ! Brad
  25. I would have told the second (motorcycle) cop, try mine maybe it will be easier for you. Brad
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