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Everything posted by BradT

  1. The worried Father figure...... Been over a year now since Ben is gone and its still tough. remeber when the border won't let you bring food into the country Brad
  2. Cardboard box and a plastic bag. He Mr. MacGyver ....... Brad
  3. No campers are heavier than that, some are 350 lbs. Sure does not look like a 300 lbs trailer. Brad
  4. Definetly too long but looks easy to fix. You could always cut and try it, then cut again if necessary remember you can only do that so many times. Brad
  5. Sorry to hear about your father, but no more suffering. Spent a lot of time in all those areas for work, hard to find nicer people and scenary is awesome. Brad
  6. Sure sounded like it. You missed Arkansas that was wicked, good thing we found a watering hole under a bridge to dive of rocks, sure cooled things off. Come to think about it Colarado was some hot as well. Brad
  7. I would be interested but September is too late for us. I will keep an eye on this one. Brad
  8. Glad to hear all are safe. Brad
  9. Hope you two catch up Brad
  10. Told you talking to that mirror would make you believe the lies.... Was not me or Relic we were North Brad
  11. Almost bogging the engine in 4th. Should still be in third at 110 kph if you want to go anywhere. Horrible fuel mileage with only 3 cyclinders operating. Hard to notice lack of power but it will be very thirsty Brad
  12. I have no problem with either location. I would like to see another thread based on the quoted ideas. The original goal of the International Rally was to get as many members together from any country. Brad
  13. Was in Milford PA and a horse ranch. No phones, AC, computers and then no power at all. Owner had a generator to cook for us and had a lot of candles he gave out. Next day we drove around New York City, no traffic lights and most police were in intersections directing traffic. Brad
  14. Curious is this all states ? Bought a bike in Michigan and ownership (title) stated no liens. Here in Canada we do not have that. In Ontario for about 30 bucks you can buy a report who owned it and if there is a lien on it. Someone has to purchase it suppose to be the seller but he may not supply and then the buyer has to purchase it. If you were the purchaser it is worth 30 bucks. Brad
  15. Suggest a little butcher shop could supply the beef as it has always been excellent... Brad
  16. BradT


    A child hood friend of mine, his brother has a bike shop on Great Northern heading out of town. Did he have parts who knows but lucky for you.. Brad
  17. BradT


    Glad you all got it going. Carl Rhonda and my home town, I am sure we could have found a garage or two.... Brad
  18. Reiny Roster organized one in Kitchener back in 08. Now that he is a new old member maybe he will do it again Glad you made it safe and sound Brad
  19. Trailer looks familiar, I am sure glad not too see a Harley on it expeciallly one that is that new. Curious did the 99 Green one need company Brad
  20. BradT


    Not me Rhonda and I are 500 miles from home. Glad your okay. Did it even do anything to that Trailer LOL hope it is not bad. Brad
  21. Up here too as long as pay them to install the electrical plug, not cheap either. I would be curious about the fuel mileage. PS I heard swifty is stopping in with his helmut and looking for test rides ?? Brad
  22. Dam near straight pipes how can they
  23. Good thing you old farts are retired..... Brad
  24. Try Spaenaur (see link), they have just about everything from latches to funny things most stores dont have Hahaha. Only a short drive away from you in Kitchener. Brad http://www.spaenaur.com/
  25. Been using it for years. When it is getting time for an oil change it gets a little clunky. Brad
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