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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Never rode one so not sure if I would like it or not. But I would trade my 99 for a New Wing, then I would have to decide, if I don't like it I could always trade it on a newer Venture. Brad
  2. Just everything else. Brad
  3. Get a trailor and don't worry about it. Brad
  4. Not possible to even get close. Congrats BRad
  5. looks like it has been there a long time. If it was a chev there would be nothing left. I was wondering if it was one of Grandpa K's Brad
  6. Kinda suits in this case. Brad
  7. You mean before he packs up and moves south for the winter fun. Glad to hear things went well Brad
  8. Its okay Wayne that is what friends are for, to work on your bike. HAHA Brad
  9. I use Castrol 20W-50 and have been using it for ever. Why ? Can't remember but it is easy to get, not that expensive and has not caused me any grief. More answers on the filters than the oil question, but that is interesting as well. Been using Fram on the cars for years but not the bike. Brad
  10. Congrats. BRad
  11. Must be getting there, ever since you have been here, I started reading over my glasses as well . I know Hal has been doing it for years BRad
  12. Assume you got the answers you were looking for, so Welcome. Brad
  13. I have had little troubles with the D404's. Might not be the best tire out there but for the price it is pretty good and if you want the white walls you do not have many choices. Occasionaly they can get pretty dirty and makes a clean bike look dirty BRad
  14. Would archiving the first 24-36 months of the site help. Maybe just allow us to read, but not be able to post to this section. Might be a lot less work. Just give us a link to the archived section and maybe this would free up space for more active threads, and the search function might be quicker. (and this would keep the old posts from coming back alive) Brad
  15. Does anyone know if it true that pouring pepsi in the carbs of a running engine will clean them up pretty good. I have heard some people did this many years ago, but not sure if there is any truth to it. ? Brad
  16. Guess he figures we have three feet of snow up here so he decided to head south. Bet he was reading the text message over his glasses. Brad
  17. I only turn them on at night. Brad
  18. What about Walmart I know they carry it as well. Brad
  19. Probably burnt off all the Seafoam and started running on real gas. Brad
  20. While following a couple bikes down I75 (I was in the cage), we were doing between 75-80 and a barrel jumped in front of the bike in front of me and he did the same. It got stuck under his bike and did he sway all over the place. The little red light on top of the barrel smashed and shattered on my car. I was happy to see he did not crash and equally glad you did not. Scary i am sure Brad
  21. That Sucks. Hope you get plastic stuff back. Brad
  22. Congrats to you and welcome to the site. We do have rules that you have to post pictures. Brad
  23. You mean Marca's zipper split while you were tugging on it. But don't you already own part of Canada Post Maybe you should teach them Customer Service. BRad
  24. Yah but you have to feel sorry for these people. Brad
  25. 170-180 Kph is plenty, there is no way I would ever even try it to get 240 kph. Brad
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