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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Somtimes too hot here. Brad
  2. Inside the fairing on the back of the radio there is a braided ground wire, covered in a plastic tube it goes to the frame on the right side of the bike. under the plastic steering head (not sure the name) cover. Gas tank needs to be off. This one caused me some grief a while ago. Moving the handlebars from side to side made things better, but it always came back until I found the corroded wire at the frame. Does not hurt to check and clean this one. Brad
  3. I agree. Very Nice Don, I am sure you will enjoy it. Brad
  4. That would be mean but what goes around comes around. Sort of like Swifty's little prank on Don. Brad
  5. Skydoc very well said. Brad
  6. Looks like that hear too charlie, well we have a grass poking through the snow. The storm missed us too kinda went around us but that is okay. But being in London would be fun, if you have a four wheeler. Pretty sure Gary and Mary went to london on Monday. BRad
  7. Went from an 86 to 99 and not looking back. I like the comfort, features and it is just not as old. Brad
  8. I have a Chev Trailblazer which is a nice truck but there has been the typical GM nuisances that drives me nuts. I agree with others all makes have there own problems so I always go for what appeals to me for the right price. Always liked the Fords but the latest bosy styling was not for me. My next truck I think would be a GM diesel, just hate the fuel mileage in most of these bigger trucks. So do you need a truck or is it just what you want ? (only curious) Brad
  9. When this happens the air from the heater system will go from hot to cold. Brad
  10. Guys keep it down there just like last year and all is good. Brad
  11. Just spin it enough that winter does not come to Canada for longer than a month. But you have to spin it back mid summer don't like that Southern heat. Brad
  12. BradT


    Dam you must read everythread like Freebird. Sorry did not mean to bring that back up. Brad
  13. 10 cents short of 100 bucks, I would be happy with that. Brad
  14. :rotf: And he said he remembers when he was 40, but can't remember 5 months ago :rotf: Brad
  15. Similar thing happened to me. Used the card a couple times in Michigan. Someone was using my card playing Poker on line the next day and I got a phone call asking me if I was using it, when i said no the card was cut off and they wanted me to fill out a form. They racked up 800 bucks before the called me and they reversed the charges. Sent me a new card express. Have to wonder how many million plastic cards are made each year. BRad
  16. Now that was Funny ! Brad
  17. I just put rubber floor mats under the tires, pull the battery and cover the bike. Stays there for a few months no problems. (yes fuel stabilizer is added) My garage hardley ever gets below freezing. I see more moisture when the bikes are not covered. Brad
  18. BradT


    Actually it's been slow on here lately, so some threads just come alive. Maybe it is just building up before someone jumps on you. Eh Yammer are you back on the meds yet Brad
  19. BradT


    = Trouble Maker Brad
  20. We got a letter a few years back which was written in Dutch. A few months later got another one in english and it was from Lawyer, stating that Rhonda was entitled to some money from an distant uncle that passed away. She never met, or knew of him but he had lots of money, no kids or immediate family. They never asked for anything, just a signature and about two years later we received a small amount of money. Dutch law states the money had to be split between nieces, nephews and kids, so there were lots of people who received different amounts of money. It was a nice little surprise. Brad
  21. BradT


    Welcome and of course the normal Trouble makers are trying to sucker you in so be careful Brad
  22. While driving down the road make a hard left turn and if the sound gets louder it is the passenger Brg assembly. These are quite easy to change and if you have a impact it should take less than an hour to change. Brad
  23. I am sure it was just what the Doc ordered. I had to get gas so I got out for a 15 mile ride as well but it was 32 here. Brad
  24. I wouldn't do any of thoese modifications unless needed. If it is running right neither one should be needed. Brad
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