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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Yes Gary I did and I appreciate what she went through to get these. But I understand a whole bunch of people were looking all over the place. You guys sure go the distance and then some , even forgoting them at home. I know Naugh-T appreciates the help and so did I. Thanks to all Brad
  2. You have to like that. Had a great Christmas, all the kids were here along with Rhonda's mother. Had a good meal, could not even eat any of the pies. Was busy the last few days, yet got to relax with everyone. Got a set of fish tail tips, may be one of the last sets as I understand. Nice propane heater for the garage. Hope all enjoyed thier day. Brad
  3. Low coolant level will also make it do that. Check the rad and overflow bottle to make sure they are full. If you smell antifreeze most likely the heater core could be leaking a bit. Brad
  4. Ontario and Quebec may have lower Speed limits but the poeple move a lot faster than posted speeds. Brad
  5. CHAOS was the only one I ever see, have a steak at Marcarl's Meet. BRad
  6. Did you ever think both of you are banned from being in there ? Brad
  7. Those speeds are not a problem at all, even measured on the GPS (speedo is off 7-8%). You can ride like that all day long, even pulling a trailer. If your running a 100-110 kph you should shift to at least 4th. But if you want to get around quickly drop it to 3rd. I think you will be surprised how well it rides. Brad
  8. We will forgive you, it's Christmas. Brad
  9. Good Benefits for sure ! Brad
  10. Hope you had a great day BRad
  11. Ain't done yet, I had thought they were on Holidays Early. Brad
  12. Welcome and congrats. We may see you along the way. When replying to a thread scroll further down and hit manage attachment then browse for the picture. Pretty simple when you get the hang of it. Brad
  13. After all that jumping arund he needed a rest:rotf: Brad
  14. Don't really like leftovers, but Naugh-T says cold pizza. Brad
  15. Good for you Don. Don't forget the pictures BRad
  16. Now that is his specialty. Son't forget to clean up the 4 needle bearing real good when putting back together, if they have never been done. Brad
  17. I like the idea. We have had many people that we offered for them to drop in, some spent a few days and some even came back. Never worried too much about the what if's, most of them were/are members here, that I had not met. My point is that I have greater trust for the members here than the general public. PS our door is open, it is better to call ahead to make sure I will be here. HAHA Brad
  18. BradT


    You guys are a bunch of W..... Thought yo'all would be tougher than that, eh !. BRad
  19. Exactly, that would be a nice detour. (About 300 miles) Brad
  20. I hate electrical but you should also be worried that the switch can handle the current if you do NOT use the relay. Two 50 watt lights will draw almost 8.5 amps and most of these switches I do not believe can handle that amount of current. If not the switch will melt. Is the 16 gauge wire large enough to handle the load of two 50 watt lights ? Thought it should be heavier than that. Brad
  21. Not political but Geographical and I can not believe how many Canadians have so much trouble with there east and west. Guess they never could figure out which is Right and Left, oh well. Almost as bad as Mr. Owl is with North and South, (he still thinks he is south of us.) If the rest of them have the same trouble they will never find South of Detroit. Brad
  22. That first day will be a long one if not two if you make any stops along the way. After leaving the falls and heading into Northern Ontario, if you were to take off into the Muskoka's there is some beautiful riding in that area. Ride from Sudbury to the Sault is nice but heading North from the Sault is nicer. Mukokas reading info http://www.traveltomuskoka.com/muskoka.htm http://www.discovermuskoka.ca/things_to_do.php?s=50&r_ro=0 Sounds like a nice trip. Brad
  23. Never read my directions either, but I spray a little white grease in the can on the chain and the steel rollers. Garage is attached to the house, and it hardley ever gets below freezing with no heater. Even when it is -20 f outside. The snow from the vehicle melts and forms a ice sheet at the door. When the door comes down it will hit the beam and then go back up. Other than that no problems, so far. BRad
  24. Not taking your pills again Dan. Brad
  25. Interesting article here http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/906577--police-continue-search-as-rescued-take-shelter-from-the-storm?bn=1 That is a nasty storm, kinda hard to believe these storms are isolated to a small area. London was hit the weekend before with 60" of snow. That wind can be nasty from the bridge all the way to London. As long as it stay to the west and south of us Brad
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