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Everything posted by BradT

  1. You keep thinking like that and she will Brad
  2. Was not a direct link but I found it. I bet those will be quite loud when you get on them. I think they are louder than the Bubs, which are louder than the RK's Nice sound though Brad
  3. Don't really have many hobbies, but keep myself busy, just not sure doing what. But I do like spending time with Naugh-T Brad
  4. And I bet I missed a few good posts in that Thread (Guess I am just too slow) Brad
  5. Then you loose as well yours is " ynbobognob " Brad
  6. Now that is funny. Brad
  7. BradT

    Holy Cow

    An awful lot of wind here right now. Actually very nasty, suppose to blow in some nice cold and white weather. But the last few days were great, got rid of a lot snow Brad
  8. PM sent. Brad
  9. Agree, the only time you noticed the difference, was when you were on the throttle. My were not drilled out So are the Khromeworks louder than Bubs ? I like the Bubs and any louder I think it could get annoying. Brad
  10. Looks like you may have found a set. So how loud are they ? Louder than the Harley's ? Brad
  11. Nice Camper. Sure looks big. Enjoy it Brad
  12. Good Luck finding what you want and welcome to the site. Brad
  13. Link below is an interesting post. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34957 Brad
  14. Nice photo Brad
  15. BradT

    Clymer Manual?

    I paid 80 for the first gen manual and it is better than the second gen. Brad
  16. Yah but most people learn after the first, maybe the second time and some just don't get it. Which one are you ?? Brad
  17. If you call Garmin they will tell you to contact Raytech. You send the old unit to them and they send you a reconditioned one, for a specific $$$. I think the Zumo 450 was around 200 bucks. https://www.raytech.ca/ Brad
  18. Randy we stayed a couple nights in Deadwood, what nice little town. Restaurants seemed to close a little early though, but still not hard to ind something to eat. It was like taking a step back in time with all the wooden floors and Casinos. It is a nice ride in from the main highway. The town is busy so book ahead if you plan on staying. Take a trip to the cemetary where wild bill and them are suppose to be buried. The ride to the top of the hill was pretty neat seemed like it was almost 90 degrees. Enjoy Brad
  19. We went the first week of July in 07 and it was too darn hot. Over 100 the whole time we were there. But had a great time. Brad
  20. If you go to user CP then edit details you can add the type of bike you ride, not what you want, then people do not have to go into your profile to see what type of bike you ride. Brad
  21. I pretty sure I would take the deal, as long as runs well and looks good. Brad
  22. I think it must have been a big hole. Nice amount of snow, no where near what they expected. Also came through at night which helped with the traffic, but there was more wind than snowfall. Brad
  23. Old avatar is what he looks like in the morning, new one is after he gets cleaned up. Brad
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