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Everything posted by BradT

  1. That is neat and I think I would look at only this option, the others are too scary for me ONe other idea is you ride the bike and your wife pulls the trailer Brad
  2. You would be one of the "many others":rotf: PS Thanks for proofing my point. Brad
  3. Busy you are retired Sheesh Brad
  4. IF you didn't notice that would be you and many others. Brad
  5. So when you organizing a meet and eat. Are you going to let Larry do it again down by his place ?? What ever happended to Joe Mac from Saginaw ? Brad
  6. I remember Maddabber (Darrell) from London Ontario who I believe was the president at one time. He also won a trailer but never got it before he passed. Never heard anything about the MTA after he passed. Brad
  7. All the best to all. His site may not be too good but he can still talk. HAHA Now you all get to mother him LOL Brad
  8. Very true but the 1st genners are still talking about there 30 yr old bikes. The talking was alot of everything before not just bikes and the Michigan meets were great fun. Brad
  9. And I thought Ontario was Metric ? Brad
  10. My 08 had the rear pumpkin and the clutch basket changed under warranty at Pioneer Motorsports. Mechanic and I talked about the hitch and trailer that was it. I think the guys torque wrench was broke when I needed to remove the rear brake caliper, jeepers it was tight. Brad
  11. Gary catch up on the phone or email. Thanks Brad
  12. I may be interested ? And I will even come and get it and we can visit real soon if needed, have not seen you two since last summer. Brad
  13. So did you buy Something else ?
  14. Hi Frank sent an email. Brad
  15. Rhonda had one for 5 years and she put over 60,000 km on it. Great bike and I should have an electronic copy of the manual. Let me know if you want a copy Brad
  16. Maybe if you just invited us some of us would show up. Pretty simple to do you know. Brad
  17. Glad it worked but did you get the dirt out or just dislodge it ? Hope you got it. Brad
  18. Ballast is good if the light goes on and off fairly quickly, but this is normally caused by a power interuption. Dirty contacts in switch, a weak stator could cause this as well, but could also be the bulb. The bulb does not need to heat up to switch from low to high. Brad
  19. BradT

    Good bye to.....

    Todd - Maybe he told me a diffferent story Eck - Nice PIctures and seem like they go back a few years. Brad
  20. BradT

    Good bye to.....

    What are you saying your faster than Swifty Well Dave hope you get another soon. See you around. Brad
  21. Thing is that the 31k is before PST and GST. Another funny thing is that years ago we had a hidden federal manufactures tax which they removed, then added Goods and Service tax (GST) so now just about everything is taxed. So now we have Provincial sales tax (PST) and GST. New government comes along and says we should make things easier and make a Harmony tax HST which is the addition of both PST and HST. Same friggin thing but sounds different so it does not feel as if your getting screwed. Sorry Off topic I know. Brad
  22. Campers are 325-350 empty so add the junk and your over 400 lbs easy. I bet there can be 200 pounds of stuff in the trailer. Looks big but take it easy and should be fine. Also be careful not to fill that trailer up. Brad
  23. Found it.....
  24. I have run Dunlop 404 WWW for many miles. I have good luck with them and they suit my riding. Trailers, one up, two up, highway hills etc... CAn you just change levelling links to raise it back up. Brake location should not matter Brad
  25. HAHA there is a good one on here. He liked to play.. Brad
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