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Everything posted by BradT

  1. If the lights are on and the Speedo cycles not sure but I do not believe it is the ignition switch. Does it crank over ? Brad
  2. I use the company computer for personal use all the time. Carry a blackberry so I am answering emails all the time, so useing the laptop for personal use works out better for them and me. Brad
  3. I use it and it doesn't hurt the clutch. Brad
  4. Finally got out did yah ! I really tried to say nothing................ Brad
  5. A nice looking day and your driving the car ? Brad
  6. So where are the pictures of the whole bike ? Brad
  7. Didn't overtighten it by chance did yah ! Brad
  8. Sheesh Nouns, and Verbs hated it back in school and still don't like it. Brad
  9. BradT

    Gas Prices

    Don't kid your self we pay for it one way or another. Brad
  10. But 150 bucks for those is a good deal. Looks real nice Brad
  11. BradT


    Every Welcome to this site states "There are no strangers here, no cliques and no outsiders" therefore no clubs. AND The No. 1 rule is pictures. I don't have any, so if I said what it is ya'll will jump on for the pics. Swifty, I am not moving into your Garage, no furniture. Brad
  12. Heres a guy that we met at a Timmies in London, Ontario. Said the dog has been on the bike for about 4 years. Brad
  13. BradT


    In Yellowstone we were stuck in the middle of two lanes of traffic and a little baby bear was turning stones and everyone was taking pictures. He was only 50 ft away. All we could do was hope traffic started to move. Brad
  14. BradT


    That could be a Venture, but no we thought of couple of those before we bought the 86 I had. Seen lots of snowmachines this year but most of the snow is gone in the fields so I bet they are thinking of putting them away soon. Brad
  15. BradT


    That is funny. Rhonda is quite unhappy, she loved that dark pink bike. When I get my new ride home I will post the pics (I know the rules). BRad
  16. Congrats to you. Brad
  17. BradT


    My Venture Brad
  18. Not sure why, The other person never gets a word in anyway, so talking to a machine is not much different than a real person. BRad
  19. Eck seems to have issues with Names Glad to hear he is doing well Brad
  20. I believe the manual says 80 mph, but mine tripped out at 130 kph (81.25 mph measured on the gps) as I was going down a hill. Brad
  21. Hey Vern, it was Dingy who came up with the comment and I agreed as that is what I used the hole for. Brad
  22. "Sorry Charlie" your fault again Brad
  23. A little excitment to get the blood going when we are not riding is good for you, isn't ? Brad
  24. What do you want to do behind that cover anyway. Nothing there, except timing marks you can't adjust. Nice shine, turned out good. Just hope it runs. I think Dingy is right as the screwdriver fits right on that hole for the switch. Someone was thinking. Brad
  25. Don Answered this in the deleted thread. Basically he felt people would complain about their post being deleted when someone's elses should have been deleted. Blah blah. and he did not want to hear it. I liked the idea, but understand. Brad
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