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Everything posted by BradT

  1. What a b..... Glad you wern't hurt. Brad
  2. Welcome, most of us would be a little opinionated but I doubt you would have any complaints with the 1300 cc's. The V4 likes the rpm's just don't drive it like a V twin Good luck with your decision Brad
  3. So are we. Congrats to you both, now take her out for a nice Dinner she deserves it. Brad
  4. I believe Stators were an issue with the earlier ones, but the gas mileage is incredible. Wildhair said he would get over 50 US MPG on the interstates. Two friends of mine have 86's and they love them, little problems. I was looking at them before I got the Venture. Brad
  5. Don't really need to know much about them, if you are fairly good with tools. Take it apart just enough to get to the jets and other ports, then put it back the same way it came apart (after cleaning). Just do not touch air mixture screws and you should be okay. Good time to check you floats. Brad
  6. Yah your not suppose to duck, when they throw them at you, your suppose to catch them Brad
  7. I would go with a dirty carb issue. Pull all the jets and soak them in a cleaner then hit them with air. Brad
  8. Very sorry to hear, All the best to your family. Brad
  9. So no pictures of them catching rolls ? Maybe they couldn't catch any. Brad
  10. BradT


    I had a pair of Polk in the rear and did not think they were that clear. Have a pair of Pioneer which I thought sounded pretty good but did not sound the same when installed in the Venture. I have a pair of Kenwood that I think have been the best that I have used. Not much bass as they are too small as mentioned, but the they seem to be the clearest. The stock ones in the 08 seem pretty good, better than the 99's must just be newer. Brad
  11. Not many even know where it is ?? Wont be able to make it. My Brother got married over in Earlton, many years back. Brad
  12. The IC is normally turned up when this squeel happens and when unplugging the rear headset. I found that the ground wire from the back of the radio down to the frame needed cleaning. Chech the frame connection under the black plastic cover near the steering head. This was not the answer but it was better (less frequently happened) Brad
  13. Too anyone I was curious, if the EBC pads are harder and last longer do they have the same braking force as the Stock pads ? Has anyone done testing to compare the actual stopping distance between the two types of pads ? If the stock pads stop better would it not be worth the extra cost of replacement compared to longer lasting EBC ? Brad
  14. Congrats to all of you. I am sure a good time was had by all. Brad
  15. Elbow grease with Carl's soap and water Brad
  16. Don it will do 148 kph (92mph) before it hits rev limiter. Hfab sounds like your on the right trac. As mentioned sea foam and ride the hell out of it. That ought to clean it up. The sound you here may be right just not sure it sounds like a twin, maybe a twin with an attitude Congrats to you and where are the pictures Brad
  17. Your right I should get him something, but you don't have to give him your troubles. Besides father son time does not need to be spent wrenchin. Brad
  18. Uhm what are you and Carl saying, hopefully you meant he looks like me. Brad
  19. Went to my sons Graduation today, and we were so happy for him. Matthew decided to take the wrong road early in High school but he has decided to get back on the right road. At 21 is now taking courses to up grade his education with hopes to get into University but if he does not make it he will be happy to attend college. We are proud of him and hope he does well. Brad
  20. BradT

    Americade ?

    Think he is having problem getting an internet connection. Brad
  21. Yes and the video really does capture your Pink shirt very nicely. Hey Phil great pictures but I thought it was 2011 not 2008. Brad
  22. Don that is real pink not just Dark Pink ! Bet that shirt did not stay on long Brad
  23. Keep buying them goodies, so that someone will get a real nice deal when you sell it. Brad
  24. If they do you can take a punch and knock it out, if it is in the way. Brad
  25. Mr. Owl now didn't this chili competition get you trouble the last time, when you were a betting man. That goes back a few years a lot less members, eh ! Brad
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