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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Well I hope all the ones that are missing are good folks. :rotf:As we will be on the same list. Enjoy and see you two next year, Sarge. So does working for a living. Brad
  2. No Rush Randy, looking forward to it. Brad
  3. Jeepers don't even give anyone time to say good bye. Glad to hear you two are enjoying your trip. Take some time to rest as your in for a treat driving around the mountains. Brad
  4. Not nice at all. Brad
  5. Montreal is a very nice city. Old Montreal and the downtown core is quite interesting day and night. Going for a walk late at night to site see is quite interesting and we felt very safe down there. Enjoy and most people in Montreal should speak english. Brad
  6. Glad to hear you found one. Brad
  7. Guess you could have asked if they had any baffles and if they did drive over to see if one fits. But still that would get very frustrating, it amazes me how a phone call can get a little sideways. So did you ever find one ?? Brad
  8. Well I just want to know when the party on the boat is ? Good for you two. Brad
  9. If that happened, I think I could be rich very quickly. We are on the way home and just wanted to say thanks to Kenny and Beth we had a great time and it was very nice to soend some time with some of the southern folk. Brad
  10. Hope you had a great day, Sorry I am late have not been on for a few days Brad
  11. Welcome to the site, good luck on the modifications BRad
  12. Yes a week or two ago, he was not going Newfoundland, and he is not 56 yet, getting close but not yet Brad
  13. Thought he had an army of Pygmies to help him ? Brad
  14. Dam Electrical issues and then the stupid meters HAHA. I hate electrical but checking the stator as mentioned above is not that bad but diodes and resistors get me worked up. Good luck Squid, Brad
  15. Might be cheaper as they would only get paid while working and they don't seem to be working. Brad
  16. I don't know of anyone heading that way. Hope he is okay. Brad
  17. I have too much junk as well but not afraid to call it that, however it is something you just can't live without, as it maybe needed some day. Brad
  18. Dam you should warn us before making those statements just about spilled my drink Doubt you would make the back yard mechanics list, if was such a list Brad
  19. Dam nice garages and you think it is too small. My 16x22 attached to the house is small and no room to expand even a shed. Starting to think some of you have too much junk. Brad
  20. Welcome to the site. Lots of people here are willing to spend your money. If you find one states side and is a good deal we can help you get paperwork done to import it. Any questions feel free to ask it is not hard, I have did 3 times and it was easy to do If you get one with a bad second gear Marcarl has expirience, he can take it apart real easy just to make sure he did it right the first time. Brad
  21. Very good news, Mr. Owl thank you for the update. Brad
  22. Paint looks good in the photos actually it looks real nice. Someone will get a good bike with lots of miles left. Paysaw glad to hear your sticking around, and maybe Marca will have a BBQ and we will see it then. Brad
  23. Sad news for sure, all the best to both of them. Please keep us updated with their condition Brad
  24. No but wondered the same thing ? Can only imagine it being worse BRad
  25. Give the dealer the Bulletin # and ask him to print a copy so that the two of you can read it. Brad
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