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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Congrats to you both, sounds like things are working out very well. Sorry for what you go through to get it. Enjoy ! Brad
  2. Would this be the place Bob ? https://plus.google.com/114905615408653855616/about?hl=en#114905615408653855616/about?hl=en
  3. Mr. Owl I think he saw a picture of you, and then was confused. Maybe it is time for another bet, so are willing to put them tail feathers up again ? Brad
  4. Mounting holes on the side for mounting under the seat... LOL Brad
  5. I do not have the same model but not sure I understand the question. I think the ignition switch is a factory part only. Brad
  6. What about Big Mike, Lumberjack, Bates has anyone heard from these guys ? Weather dependant it does not look too bad. Is the Ferry running I would almost bet the water is frozen with the cold. Checking because I do not want to be like the other Canadians LOL Brad
  7. The Bypass is not done with a relay unless your refering to the Headlight relay. The two ignition switches are definetly different. G2 has accessory and mounts differently. The wiring should be the same but not exactly sure. Brad
  8. I think Dingy re drew them in Autocad so that he could blow them up larger to see them.
  9. Would you drive from Plaster Rock to Miramichi in a blizzard ? That is what it felt like Brad
  10. Had a nasty ride yesterday as well. 3 hours to go 1.25 hours drive. Got stuck in a snow drift and I was in the middle of the road, haha. Stopped for a picture as there was very few cars on the road but quite a few in the ditches. Does it look cold..... Brad
  11. Hope your feeling better. At least timing did not interfere with work Brad
  12. He has been both for years. Brad
  13. Dont want to miss Marcarls this year I hear we are having Sausage on a bun... Brad
  14. Nope not NaughT. The beard comment is an "Old Joke" Brad
  15. I have purchased three plug and play kits from these guys. Two for myself and one for a friend all worked very well. Very helpful and price is very reasonable. Brad http://canadiancruisercustomizing.ca/
  16. Swifty - Rhonda says with the beard and all oh forget it.... Ben - Check your watch it was not last minute as I was there early ..... Brad
  17. Rhonda and I are planning on attending dinner only. See you then. Ben I remember you saying I should be available LOL Brad
  18. So Who is getting this one going ?? Got to get the word out to all Big Mike, Lumberjack etc....... I could use a road trip HAHA. Brad
  19. Hey Stranger Hope you two are doing well. Nice to hear from you. BRad
  20. I would guess this may be his point....... The Popup ad does point the members to a higher priced item. If they are not aware of the alternatives a memeber could pay more for something and this site is the one that directed them too the higher priced option Brad
  21. Good for him and all of you. I am sure he will enjoy it and you will be fixing (taking care of) it. LOL Brad
  22. Mr. Owl, I just dont turn them off. Yah right has to be simple. Now that is a wise old Bird ! Brad
  23. Brad our thoughts are with your Brother. All the best. Brad
  24. Glad all is okay and your attitude seams great keep it up and all the best. Brad
  25. HAHA exactly. Depends on stiffness of the shock looks like it might hop around the road like a jack rabbit if it stays together that long. Brad
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