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Everything posted by BradT

  1. My 99 went out approx 50,000 miles, not under warranty but I got a used shock that worked well. Brad
  2. Assuming your dealer is not pulling one over on you. I would suggest bringing it to another dealer and see if they can get it under warranty if so mention to your dealer that should give the dealer the an idea how Yammi is dealing with them and raise their concerns a little higher than a district manager. Brad
  3. Yes have that all the time, but this girl short changed ten dollars. HUH
  4. At a Tim Hortons one time the girl short changed me and had the nerve to say she did not have enough change in her till. But would not ask anyone at a different till for the change ?? Sure made me laugh after how stupid it was.....
  5. All the best to the family. Municipalities do not Normally like you to add a trailer on property to live in. Maybe someone has a decent barn/shed that with the support of the church members can add and fixed into a nice little home. Good luck on being a little creative. do I see a Carl speech coming on... Brad
  6. As goose mentioned lube pivots and linkages. Make sure you get them all, there is one pivot at the bottom near the back that gets missed real easy. Brad
  7. If the bike is under warranty there is no reason not too fix it. Even if it is just out of warranty they should fix it. Try not to yell as that is not going to help. Good Luck Brad
  8. Sorry we missed you Dan, We left at 8 this morning and drove up 79. When we got to Buffalo we decided to continue home, after a stop at Walmart. Walmart decided to move from where my GPS thought it was. Rolled in at 7:30. Let Naugh-T lead and we made good time and 577 miles was a good ride. Got to get ready to go again:think:, Had a great little vacation. Brad
  9. Kreg don't fool yourself things move pretty quick in the North. Short season yah know so you gotta move quick. Brad
  10. Gary sounds like you had a good time, glad to hear. Sure is nice out west and sorry we missed this one. BRad
  11. BradT

    Sturgis 2011

    Tx Now your in Trouble Anne did you not have a phone at Don's that you were trying to get hooked up ? Have fun all and ride safe Brad
  12. Dam he must have been moving. Kenny you sure were moving on this trip, did you see anything. Hope you two had a great time. BRad
  13. Where is this ? Sounds like Banjo County Morning heading over to Oak Hill, possibly over to 39, then back track to 19, 60 and hotel Tuesday heading home. Possibly out 79 then 219 N, Depending on how fast we want to get back Brad
  14. Yup I heard to ride fast when you heard Banjo's Brad
  15. :clap2:Beautiful Place, to dam hot, People are very friendly and very nice roads
  16. Hey Anne, I must have missed the pics of you and Quickstep on your bikes and the big grins. I am sure your having a great time. Brad
  17. That tow truck makes your truck look like a half ton. Hope they get you fixed up Brad
  18. The frame damage was in one particular spot. If it is not broke or cracked I believe it can be fixed before it breaks real bad. I also do not believe it was that bad to weld it without removing too much. Memory is not the best so don't quote me on this. (maybe someone else can agree ) Good luck with it. Should be able to get 500 bucks out in parts easily if you have any patience and space. Brad
  19. Probably the little Geico woodchuck. Brad
  20. BradT


    Carl did you ever think you can't remember where you put it ?? Gary a bearing packer ? Thought you would just use the palm of your hand. I think it works better anyway Brad
  21. I bet you are about ready lay the blocks on him. I hope it looks good when he is done. BRad
  22. And which week would that be as I do have some vacation time to use up. Should be the right time to leave town. Bad
  23. Stebel and Larry's wiring kit will be an ease to install. I have enjoyed using mine this year, on too many occasions. Wait untill there real close then lay on it. You can watch them jump, sure is funny. Just make sure you have somewhere to go if they come at you. Brad
  24. With Swifty's helmut Brad
  25. Should be all better now and ready for a trip to Texas. Brad
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