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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Definetly. Shouldn't be to hard to build if you have a pipe bender, know any plumbers haha. Brad
  2. Hate to say it but buy a cheap one charge it properly at first and take care of it, by cheaping it charged. These batteries should start any bike that is in decent running condition and should work well for three years. You can throw it away after two years and get another new one for about the same cost as the more expensive one. Works for me and I am never worry about the battery going bad. I would not trust any bike battery in the 4th year. Brad
  3. Same thing here. Not hard take 15-20 minutes, just sand the contacts a little. Brad
  4. Worked out well. Congrats Brad
  5. Hope you didn't finish the bottle of little blue pills Brad
  6. Brad it is nice, and I think an checker plate box would look good but it should be small and tapered forward to keep the design flowing. Very sleek looking Brad
  7. I guess the Point here is to understand what you have and make sure you have it. Those are serious numbers, which sure can hurt the pocket book. Good luck and lets hope you all don't need it. Brad
  8. Chevy And this one has a cargo trailer and a boat behind it (and might add no pictures) Brad
  9. Hope all is going well. Have not heard how things are lately. Brad
  10. You two have a great trip and sounds like your going to have a great trip. Be careful Brad
  11. Dan, I hope she is feeling better soon. Just make sure she comes home to a cleaned house Brad
  12. Swifty somedays I wonder if you are for real ............ Brad
  13. Now that is Funny, What happened to we ride 12 months of the year Brad
  14. Very nice, have a great time. BRad
  15. Was not on Facebook so I missed it but hope you had a great day Brad
  16. I agree with the above. Brad
  17. All is good. The bike is okay, 4 crash bars have some metal removed and has a little flat. The two front fairings tabs sheared off clean and should glue back together (I have a good friend who is a certified plumber and works with ABS all the time ). My self, a sore hip, two small bruises on the knee, and a small bump on my elbow. He appearantly took off very fast as soon as his light turned green. (is what I meant by jumped the green). I had an advanced green. This is a large intersection and which I did not approach too fast, but when the light changed yellow I slowed more and continued. I am not sure but must have been in the intersection when his light turned green. I still believe he should have waited untill I got out of his way . Need to get the police report to see if it is worth calling the insurance. Brad
  18. Agree with this statement. The amount of work to rebuild is not that much more than changing the engine, then you know what you have. Brad
  19. Leaving Milwauke today and at a large intersection I had a fall. The intersection had two left turning lanes, three straight through lanes and a right turn lane. As I approached the intersection turning left with an advanced turn the light turned yellow. I was not going fast as I was not familiar with the road and I slowed right down as the light changed. I looked back to see if Rhonda was would be okay and she stopped thank goodness. As I looked forward a car jumped the green and was right there so I hit the brakes and went down on the left side, and fell off the bike. The bike rolled/flipped to the right side and stopped. The guy who jumped the green before I could get all the way through the intersection and appearantly swerved away from me but never stopped. An older gentleman who turned right behind chased the car for a mile and then told the kid he caused an accident and he just drove away. The older fellow got his license and gave it to me. Three other people stopped to help and said they saw it and gave me there numbers. The police said nothing they can do as there was no accident as he went through a green but also stated he should have waited till I cleared the intersection. I have bruise on my knee and one on my elbow, no real road rash but a small tear in good blue jeans. The four crash bars did there job scraped but the front two bent backwards and broke the tabs in the centre of both lower fairings. That is all the damage that I can see People and the police were very nice and helpful. Two different officers showed up as they were not sure whos jurisdiction it was. The one officer was very concerned and very considerate to Rhonda feelings as she was obviously very shaken watching the whole thing. Obviously we were both very lucky as it could have been much worse, so all is good. Brad
  20. So be difficult if you wish just trying answer your question :rotf: So where were you in the UP, waiting for RSV's to go by on the Mackinaw bridge Hope you had a good trip Brad
  21. I left Sault Ste Marie this morning went across M28, 117, US2 and US 41. Headed for Wisconsin. I was pulling a Black Piggy backer and Naugh-T was on her Victory either right behind me or a ways in front of me. Was it me ? Brad
  22. Some said that is what you see from Canada ?
  23. He's a school teacher so you do not expect him to stick around do you ? I spoke to him a few weeks back. He was back from France and had a great time with his son. He had some more travelling to do but you can bet he will be back by the end of August, getting ready for school. Brad
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