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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Pretty cheap south of the border that is why they can run two and three bikes. BRad
  2. After riding all day a nice cold beer on ice all day goes well with anything...... Brad
  3. My Mother always told me not to talk to strangers.... And Your still bugging people on the street ? Brad
  4. This is a Canadian bike and she should get at least 8,000 or slightly less if she wants to move it, or more if you hold onto it for better offer. Remember winter is coming fast and she will have to sit on it for a while then it will depend on the spring market. Looks like he put Bridgestones on it. Not many will buy a second. All the best to your friend. Brad
  5. You and Carl miss understood their laughter, when asking about collision insurance. Brad
  6. What no Collision ?? Thought you first genners believe your first gens are priceless ?? Brad
  7. BradT

    Am I Crazy?

    I think a smaller bike would be better until you get some practice but CC size is not what you should look at. Overall and weight distribution is more important, and it also depends on your size. If you are taller then it will be better. Lots of good points about cruisers and the virago all good choices. May be a good way to go for a year or two. Welcome and good luck with your choice Brad
  8. THought Kenny and Beth was out there. Numbers just are not your thing Eh ! Mr. Owl. BRad
  9. Same here. Actually went down 30 bucks a month, thanks to Aviva wanting to jack the price 65%. Ben seems like a far deal. Go ahead and shop it. Brad
  10. BradT

    Hey! E-fishie

    Yup kinda looks like an Ontario License plate Brad
  11. I have both. The Cargo trailer does not have a swivel and when I went on to the crash bars there was no problems, nothing bent. Not sure what happens if it goes all the way over. Maybe the trailer is kept the bike from going over further ? Brad
  12. Red excuse my ignorance but is that something you can ride long distances like the Venture Brad
  13. By the looks of the pictures you are Tough Tom, congrats you look very good, and hope the rest heels quickly. Good for you all, Brad
  14. All the best. Hope it goes through quickly Brad
  15. Four battery's in five years ? Not sure what you are using or the driving habits. Some batterys need to be charged properly from day one. If not the life could be shortened. Also if the bike is used for frequent short trips to the store or work, only a few miles away, the battery never gets charged properly. It needs to be fully charged once in a while, if not by the end of the season it could be toast. Brad
  16. You should have the statement above in your signature Brad
  17. Goose, both my 99 and 08 felt like the rear wants to sway similar to above never felt right, but could never find the reason. On my 08 I doubt the shocks are worn and fork oil may need changing. Do you think I could assume that the springs are not weak and the pre load would have been correct from the factory. Not sure I understand the pre load on the forks ? Brad
  18. Glad to hear you made it home safe. Sure you had a good time, sorry we missed it. Brad
  19. Not sure I understand who or what, but bumping this to the top and hope all goes well. Brad
  20. Sort of like laying it down to prevent an more serious accident, and LEO's can not do a thing as there was no "Accident". Makes no sense. Brad
  21. Myminpins, Don't let that old bird raz you like that. Hey Mr. Owl you didn't tell him you are Canadian ? Brad
  22. I would say you prove that I did those things ............ No time to too worry about it, at all. The chances are slim but if it happened, you should be okay just requires a bunch of argueing. Well that is how I see it. Brad
  23. If it rains and it is long ride there might not be any left if the seals are bad. Crappy Quality control means they may have some Brad
  24. Squid sent a set of light brackets to Canada that never showed up and never got returned. Maybe they will show up 40 yrs later and someone will wonder what they are . Personally I have no problem with them not shipping to Canada as I just go pick it up. I know that is a bit more difficult from Dartmouth but I am sure a member would be willing to ship it too you if you paid the shipping. If it is saving you money then why not, just ask sure someone will help you out. Maybe in our vendor section we could have a sticky that states which members would be willing to receive a parcel and resend to Canada. Just an idea BRad
  25. Agree completely expecially the last paragraph Brad
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