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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Ruffy, What are you trying to say ? Brad
  2. But one of them definetly deserved it. BRad
  3. I actually like the Interstates around there. Brad
  4. Then he needs to ask her for Help to get back up Brad
  5. Always fun when they get side tracked. My vote is the Old way, hate changes. I think my next computer will also be Windows 7 and not sure I am going to like it. Brad
  6. Pictures would be nice. Congrats ! Sounds like your happy with it and that is all that matters. Brad
  7. Nice pics. Anne the weather gets bad real fast in the North. Take it easy and enjoy the rest of your stay. Brad
  8. I put new Dunlop 404's on this summer and have over 11,000 miles on them should get at least 2-3,000 more. Lots of Highway miles and pulling a trailer, works for me. But I do like the white walls. Brad
  9. Gotta Ask is it really called West by God, or is it made up ? Hope you have nicer weather. We have been through there a few times in the rain, Not nice. Went back this summer and the weather and roads were great. Brad
  10. I think we may know, but we would only be guessing Brad
  11. Dingy I agree with you, and is it lower wattage is also lower amperage so it could easily drain the battery, most likely while talking. I think her comments are also correct, but should still work just may have to replace the battery sooner Brad
  12. The Jester just picked up a cross country he added a J&M CB and it has a MP3 hook up in the right saddle bag. Only problem is that you can not change the song. Brad
  13. With the recent Birthday, just about every thing is old, like the antiques you want to store in the new Garage. If the computer has a USB port you can get a card reader that will plug into this port. Brad
  14. Good one Larry but most likely true, not even a picture on here. Just got an 08 with 4,800 miles and it is quiet, but my other two Ventures both had the whine. You can block it out and you don't even here it anymore, as i is nothing to worry about. Good luck with your decision. BRad
  15. Welcome, that is nice and got a lot of miles left. Just turn the music louder and the whine goes away. (seriously change the speed or/and the gear) Brad
  16. The bushing does not wear much, it is the bolt that wears a ridge which makes it sloppy. Neither part is expensive. Hardest part is getting the spring back on, without it flying across the room. Not sure why it hangs down unless it was bent. They can bend if you trailer it on the kick stand. Brad
  17. Yah like Newby who started the chanting something about tail feathers at the first meet Brad
  18. Condor also had a good idea about going directly to advanced when editing a post Can you look into that one as we all know your looking for something to do, Swifty has not been quiet...... Brad
  19. I posted this for a friend with an 04 but now I am curious as I did not think there were many choices. Thought I heard Ultimate was not made for the 2 gen. Thanks Brad
  20. Another one ? coming fast arn't they. Hope you had a great day Brad
  21. Good for me when we head south of the border, but not the best situation to be in. Everyone else said it best with because they can and they do, or at least try. There is some that see value to buying locally. I try to plan things that save money with a road trip. Ends up costing about the same but we get away, and still spend the same amount. Brad PS Just bumping this back up for you Carl. So did you buy it yet, you know you want too.
  22. No. But try and hold a 180 lb Newfoundland dog down when he wants to go. Funny story, best part is I can actually see it happening. Brad
  23. Just curious what are the choices for aftermarket seats for the second gens ? Any recomendations as to where the best deal is. Brad
  24. Very Nice.. You two enjoy the rest of your trip. Brad
  25. Booming it is not, but it is not as bad as you folks have it. Prices have always been higher here, must be why I bought three bikes stateside. Cooling off at nights now, so the only ones buying are the ones that are looking for a good deal. Probably get more in the spring. Brad
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