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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Carl have not been on Southwood this year, as it was getting bad last year, to many gravel patches across the whole section of road. Ben the route I take is normally around 800 km and takes about 11 hours and includes the 400 series hwy Brad
  2. I take the battery out and leave it in the garage on a wooden dresser. Just make sure it is charged and then recharge it every month. A fully charged battery is not suppose to freeze. My garage hardley ever gets below 0c Brad
  3. Nice Picture. Seem them many times when I lived in Sault Ontario, Stayed in Yellowknife for a few days in January. Could see them everynight. Just a dry cold of -25c when I got there and got to -47c when I left. Sun came up after 10am and was gone by 3pm. but it never got real dark Brad
  4. Don't forget the pictures of the Ford, so Carl can have a few flash backs. Brad
  5. Where yah been trying to figure out Dingy's drawing for the past few days Brad
  6. Welcome and good luck fixing the issues. And this is the only thing that was correct with Carl's post. BRad
  7. Bobby in Canada look at CDN tire, parts source, napa or car quest, should find it there. Brad
  8. Very nice. Brad
  9. All the best for a full recovery, soon ! Brad
  10. I feel sorry for you, as that is one nasty Squeal Brad
  11. Definetly three different styles, if your not sure about a full dresser the Victory Cross Country is a pretty good choice. Not cheap but the engine and tranny have been around for a while with limited troubles. Good luck with what ever you choose. Brad
  12. Ditto on the IC volume and the rear headset. Reducing IC volume when nothing is plugged in normally solves it. I did find that dielectric grease on the plugs under the fairing helped a little but the cleaning the ground wire on the back of the Radio unit and down at the frame stopped it for a few months. (this is a flat braided wire in a plastic tube) Brad
  13. Different engineers working on the two different designs (RSV, RSTD), may not have listed the Dunlop as an alternative. If this is the case then it is sad there is no internal communication, but I know it happens. (seen it too many times) Having said that I have had good luck with the Dunlop 404 WWW's Brad
  14. Thanks all, Yesterday was Naugh-T's and my anniversary, 13 "Great" years married but we have been together for 17 and many more to come. Brad
  15. Sad to say but that goes for some people as well Brad
  16. It is not easy keeping quiet when we are talking about Carl and Class Brad
  17. I think I will agree with your comment this time, Okay Don Brad
  18. So what did we end up with. A Thanks button or a like button ?? Personally don't think we need both. I did like identifying who thanked the person but think it could be called a Like button. Just my two cents Brad
  19. When I am going for a ride I don't stop at Yammi dealers I go for a ride. When I go to Yammi dealer for a part I call first. Brad
  20. Only White sugar, did they have enough ? BRad
  21. Yah but being burned twice would hurt Glad you got the parts and hope it works, Brad
  22. Must have forgot his cover-alls at home ! Brad
  23. Thought you were heading North West, might be better to pick him up in Lansing or Flint depending on which way you are heading. I have been watching but doubt we are going to make it, sounds like fun though Brad
  24. But you would think that before you drive 40 miles, you make sure there is one there ?? Brad
  25. Looks like Monkey man's other brother Darryl Brad
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