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Everything posted by BradT

  1. HE was looking in your garage while he was there, it will take a while to figure out what else you might be missing. Brad
  2. Funny thing in Wisconsin the police report gives you his name, address, driver license number, birthdate. Makes finding someone real easy. Worst part is anyone can look at all the accident reports and for two bucks you can take a photo copy home with you. That would not happen up here. Only had two phone calls and one letter all from legal offices in Wisconsin. Brad
  3. I got a copy of the police report and the guy got a ticket for failing to yield. I talked with the officer and she told me the guy lied to her twice and when she confronted him he told her the truth so she ticketed him. His statement on the police report is in italics "I believe the motorcycle was on the left side of the left turn lanes. I didn't notice there was a vehicle making a left turn. I think the motorcycle driver hit break when he saw me and fall off seat." I called his insurance and was told to make a claim against him so I did and emailed them the police report. Within hours someone called me back asked me a bunch of questions and then I got frustrated and said you read the report and she said yes and then said it was there clients fault and they would repair the bike. I took it to a Yamaha dealer and called them back and they transfered the claim to their Canadian office. They sent someone out to look and take a lot of pictures. This is where they got a little funny making promises of someone calling and no one ever did. After calling a bunch of times the estimate was missing a few items so I got frustrated and asked for someone else to come and talk about the claim line by line. They did and it was sorted out in a day. A new offer was purolated out to me and I accepted a fair cash offer. Overall I was quite impressed with State Farm Insurance company I think the biggest problem was that they were not familiar with Motorcycles and that confused them. I called the fellow that helped me to thank him and told him what happened. He commented to me that he travels that road daily and noticed that the advanced left turn light changes from yellow to red quite quick and he complained to the city. They are investigating it but appearantly it takes about three seconds from yellow until the green light turns, on the opposite traffic. The intersection is almost 160 feet across and the left turn arc length is approx 180 ft to clear the interestion. City engineers are thinking it should be 6 seconds before the light changes. Maybe they will change it and prevent this from happening again. Not happy I went down but overall happy with the outcome. Brad
  4. So what happened to all those blanks you had ?? Careful these are collector items now, bet the price has gone through the roof Brad
  5. I had two sets gave one to Carl when the border patrol took his, the other I gave to you. Brad
  6. Now that makes perfect sense. Brad
  7. Just started to get cold, but also just got home but everything was taken care of when I got here, except for the gas. :rotf:Hoping to get away when it does get cold any suggestions on a warmer climate. Brad
  8. I am not Sorry to say, maybe we should disrupt some peoples lives so that they can slow down and take a minute for a friend or loved one. Brad
  9. Had them on, should have bought a bigger magnifying glass. Brad
  10. That sucks. Hope any pain goes away quickly. Yup may have to fix that yourself, maybe some have the parts you need. Brad
  11. I don't understand why anyone would want to know more than a 1/2 percent of those. What a waste of memory cells. I don't know many but more than I really want too. Brad
  12. Another one passed away but was very quiet. Dennis Ritchie passed away last week as well but not all the fancy headlines. I am not knocking either one just pointing out some are more in the limelight than others that is all. Brad
  13. Made no sense to me either but I was curious what he was drinking when he wrote it. Figured after a few more people said something it may make sense. Brad
  14. Well what about RIM boys with the Black Berry's. Past couple days they have had some troubles and it screws up the Phones, Email, and Messanger, now we have to call the people to see if they got your email. WOW humans interacting. So what if all these toys were not invited maybe we would not be as busy as we are today, and have time to talk to people..... So would this be a bad thing ?? Brad
  15. Sounds like that week sure worked out well. I am sure you had a great time. Brad
  16. BradT


    Steve Very Nice. That style always looks like it would tow well. Brad
  17. Sorry we could not make it to your events this weekend. Sort of sounds like there was some plans that got a little mixed up, and more than once but sounds like it all worked out and was a good weekend. Brad
  18. BradT


    Very nice and I saw Jaybird stripping it, both look very nice. Piggy backer works for me and in the right price range. Brad
  19. Yup nice day. I had two 500 mile days and they were great at this time of the year. I think Bob Seager was 12 hours outside of Mackinaw. But a nice song to ride to. The area around Mackinaw is a very nice, gotta like Michigan. Brad
  20. So did you have a few too many wobbly pops ? I did a little work around the house and spent some time with Naugh-T and the kids. Brad
  21. Welcome to the site from Ontario Canada Brad
  22. Then I can't help you for sure. Sorry Budd. I am not googleing your name as I don't want to see the pictures you may have posted. Brad
  23. Ben here is a route that I like but it is from our place and has quite a bit of highway. Obviously a little shorter from your place Brad
  24. Dang Boomer see what trouble you can get into without even trying. Good luck getting out of this one. Maybe he won't have much luck using your pic, maybe he will stop using yours and find someone else's photo. Brad
  25. My garage is attached to the house and I did insulate the walls. BRad
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