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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Bob Merry Christmas to you. Brad
  2. Merry Christmas Lewis Brad
  3. Merry Christmas To all Brad
  4. Merry Christmas Boomer Edit : Bummer could not spell Boomer Brad
  5. Very Nice. Congrats and hope the weather warms up quick as it is going to be a long winter for her. Brad
  6. Bought a coffee at Timmies and gave her a 20 bill, she gave me a 5 dollar bill and some change and closes the till. When I told her how much she owed me she opened the till gave me some change and again closed it. I again told how much she owed me and then she says I can't give you anymore as she did not have that much in the till. Brad
  7. The little glitch has been here for a couple of years. If it ain't broke, don't fit it ? :rotf:Not a big deal sometimes these can get a little lively. Brad
  8. So is there any noticeable improvements in performance or fuel mileage ? Brad
  9. I don't know much about painting or this product but I understand that if you get the paint code from the colorrite site, any decent body shop can should be able to make the paint and match it with this number. Brad
  10. I think the original question was how to avoid this type of accident, lets assume the passing was done legally with everyone using blinkers and so on. The biker decided to go and then all of a sudden the car turns in front of you. HOW do you avoid it ? I think the short answer is too pay attention, there was signs that the car was impatient. Personally I would make sure the car new I was there, maybe even blast of the stable so that he knows I am there, before I thought of passing. Brad
  11. I hope your not thinking you were good enough for Santa to get you something ? Brad
  12. Just get a milkshake they taste better. BRad
  13. Yup and you would be welcomed anytime. Brad
  14. Lewis glad it worked for you, but there are a few up here that can learn some manners from some of the US personal as well. Crossing over to Newby's place one time we were pulled in, I sort of spooked them about how easily the plastic can break. The USBP looked but very carefully after I opened things for him HAHA. Brad
  15. I was at Afton Mines three times in the Early 90's, a very nice city. The airplane ride in was amazing and we drove up once and again an amazing ride. Brad
  16. Does this mean they did not make any 2011 wings or did they use different parts on the 2011 ? Brad
  17. Eck the last update was almost 3 weeks ago I too was wondering. Waiting for the monkey man. Brad
  18. Welcome to the site and their is a quite a few members in Indiana. as far as the part you are looking for goes, maybe someone will have one but I think most check ebay or I have seen a few comments about Pinwall. Good luck finding your part. Brad
  19. BradT


    I have a floor plan in mind and wanted someone to show a 3 dimensional view of what it could look like. I can draw it in Cad but only the floor plan. Wondering what the house could look like from the floor plan. I was a Design draftsman 20 years ago. Brad
  20. BradT


    Okay please send me the plans so that I can build one as well Brad
  21. Do we have any Architects on this site. Wanted to ask a few questions, so please pm me. Thanks Brad
  22. Completed but not sure if my results skew the numbers as I dont own (BlackBerry) okay I dont use a portable music device So are you going to show your conclusion to the survey ? What were you trying to determine ? Brad
  23. You going to park that one or tow it around ? Thought you had a Ford 1/2 ton ? Very nice Brad
  24. When I click the ABC button it asks me is I want to download IE Spell. Thought it was part of the site or do I need to download it ? Brad
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