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Everything posted by BradT

  1. I know a co worker up that way not sure it is Kirkland lake or not but did you want to talk with him or email him ? Reiny sent you an email Brad
  2. Hey Bob your finger broke ? carl can't remember well so you could have just done it Brad
  3. Seems like quite a few have had the fuel pump issues. Besides the obvious what are the symptons that a fuel pump is getting bad and/or do they just die ? Brad
  4. Agree ! On the left side with two sided tape. Not coming of without a knife. BRad
  5. Not sure 15,000 psi is enough to break the rocks in most mining applications. But agree that it was some chemical... BRad
  6. Yup sorry to hear that. Rhonda has done the same thing buggered her hands and arms working. Hope all with issues get at least some relief Brad
  7. Well kinda makes sense, If it keeps it up and June comes then obviously there will be snow........ Brad
  8. Just like the old man. Congrats to you both.... Been a long time buddy... Brad
  9. SKid, All the best BRad
  10. My dad is trying to get rid of an 07. He wants too much for it but it does have very low miles. 37,000 miles Very nice vehicles. Brad
  11. Doesn't get any nastier than Ice, in the North or South. 401 is a major highway and it has been closed at least 3 times this winter right by the house and last year there was two pileups 50 and 35 cars. Hope all made it through relatively okay
  12. If your not careful he will pounce.
  13. I thought it was because the Moderator Mr. Owl was watching the posts.
  14. You I can understand but Rhonda and I Brad
  15. Hey Reiny still have the video clip of someone sawing logs ? Brad
  16. Went right on by and did not even call ?? Only a mile of the hughway at exit 230 Brad
  17. Me too hate it when someone trys to blame you. Funny part is that two different people backed into me. Not to scam me just because they were not too bright..... Brad
  18. I had that happen to me in the round abouts. No witness' Mr. Owl advised me on a couple issues about the black box and the Back up lights of the driver that backs into you. When I mentioned these two items and told the insurance it was there responsibility to use the proof to prove I was stopped they told e to fix my car at no fault to me. Just another idea. Brad
  19. Okay officially not going to make it. We went out and was plowing snow with the under side of the car. Had some breakfast and can't get on the highway 401 West bound. Tried two different places and both have gates closed preventing you from getting on the highway. Came home and thought I was going to be shovelling the road to get home. Almost got stuck, had to back up and take a stab at it about 6 times. Going out to shovel and then not sure what is going to happen. Eddie did you have a rain day LOL Brad
  20. Weather here is not much better and if it does not improve not sure we are going to make it. Brad
  21. Thought I saw some with the Trip odometer and some buttons were in a different spot as well ? Brad
  22. So whats the weather man saying for that area, going to hold off or hit yah ! Brad
  23. Do you still have Sherry's bike in storage ? If so maybe time to take it out.. Brad
  24. All the best for a speedy recovery. Brad
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