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Everything posted by BradT

  1. BradT

    New Toy

    Bends in the Middle ??? Trucks up north don't bend in the middle, maybe we build them stronger up here. Brad
  2. When you split the fairing use some dielectric grease on the plugs and make sure there tight. Also there is a couple of ground wires that need to be cleaned up so there is good contact. This occasionally helps as well. brad
  3. BradT

    New Toy

    Oh this year starting out like last ended. Thought you were going to change that, good luck in doing so. Brad
  4. South of Amherst, east Buffalo south on I290. 30 miles closer to the border. I think it is a nice area so congrats to you all. Your going to like retirement, except I do not think I would want to pack your garages Brad
  5. BradT

    New Toy

    He drives all week in a Van, when he gets home he drives nothing, jeepers he does not even get out on the bike. Brad
  6. BradT

    New Toy

    My camera is in Huntsville, and Im in Charleston, and my cheap (replacement) phone doesnt have a camera on it.. So there you turkey.. Just like the kids, an excuse for everything, My Father has the same truck also same colour as Don's. Brad
  7. BradT

    New Toy

    I didn't see you with a pink one. Is your camera broke ? Can't go out and take a picture ? Brad
  8. Mike was on his Harley, maybe it was him Brad
  9. That would be the solution. Just think how many from the United States would go out and buy a new truck, some might even get 3/4 or 1 ton. Few months later, everyoneback to work and hard to find good employee's Brad
  10. Jeepers Bob could you not narrow it down just a little closer Brad
  11. KIC, First serious question and Karma seems to be coming back to you. Did you get your answer. Funny post though and I never knew if my first gen had them or not. How long are they ? Brad
  12. Is that the latest I-Phone I heard they can do almost anything. Brad
  13. There is nothing wrong with Michigan it's a great place, just having some tuff times. It will get better. Brad
  14. I don't have Allstate but had to deal with them on a claim and they were great to deal with. Just a little issue half way through, but very fair. That was after passing the claim from US office to the CDN office, good job. Brad
  15. Good point I would ask to make sure this was one that did or did not need it. Also would like to know if it was done and how long ago. Brad
  16. Should not have charged you and should have fixed the problem. Pretty sure i would be going the other direction Ignition switch, rear shock are the two main things that will cost some money down the road. Other things are relatively small. Brad
  17. Nice. Sounds like your going to have somme fun. Hope to see you as you come through this area. Brad
  18. GM's Electrical Gremlins. I have the same car, have not had this happen to me but the high beam if I turn it on or off occasionally the lights go out, so far have come back on when I pulled the switch again but I am thinking these are switch related. Mine has 165,000 miles and still get 26-28 mpg Brad
  19. Prefer them in front of me don't want to scare myself HAHA Brad
  20. BradT

    Lunch date

    Everyday I get visitor. Brad
  21. Thinking of your friend. Brad
  22. Yup Don and Tx2sturgis got together and are watching you on there iphone's and facebook). Brad
  23. Think you are a bit found of that colour. Brad
  24. Think it means you logged in and then out. When you came back in it remembered you viewed those already but may never actually looked at each one Something like that, but is a glitch that don't hurt nothing. Kinda sounded like a Marcarl's reply Brad
  25. Couple hundred miles more and your vacation can be in another Country. Brad
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