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Everything posted by BradT

  1. I believe the article was written by Pegscraper link to his profile below. Pretty sure he has changed them not to mention a few other modifications. He is very knowledgeable and helpful. Good luck and have fun. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=377 Brad
  2. Order direct on line at http://www.carbtune.com/ Normal delivery is very quick to your door. Brad
  3. Doh ! So what are you saying, not to call you through the week, you only have time for him on the weekend ? Just trying to get clarification Brad
  4. That is not "positive" it is a gentle way of kicking your ass to get r done. Still sucks. Good luck finding the parts the right colour match or a good painter that can paint parts that look faded. Brad
  5. Hope things work out for you Brad
  6. INteresting how people spend more time fixing and maintaning the bike than a car. I do not keep records like that but I do log the fuel mileage and basic service needs (Brakes, tires, oil tie rods etc..) without the cost, just a reminder when it was done last (date and mileage only). All service work and repairs done by me and sometimes I get help from a friend. My guess is that bike will cost more to operate but as said who cares. There is a cost of getting you from point A to B for what ever reason you need to get there. Brad
  7. That is Antique Farm equipment up there is it not. I think I was there once before. Might have even saw a first gen in a barn. ?? Brad
  8. Me too and pay it off right after using it I used it twice in Michigan in two different stores on same day and then for the next two days someone racked up 1,500 in gambling fees. Bank canceled credit card and called me. I told them it was not me and they sent me a paper I checked a box confirming it was not me and sent it back, never heard from the bank again on that issue 3 years ago Brad
  9. I know could not believe it either. I saw that picture of MD underway and wondered who the that old guy was. Didn't realize I knew him for that long Brad
  10. Friesman nailed the highlights. Hot springs all over the place are pretty neat as well. Lots to do and he will have fun. Check out the pic Couple of good friends living in Calgary if you want more details send me an email. Brad
  11. I drove over yup but forgot the camera, it was you that got it out took pictures. HAHA Read your last line once again, then go look in the mirror Brad
  12. Probably still beat a first gen:rotf:
  13. Whats with you guys. You drop it hard and the first thing you go and grab is a camera ? I am sure I would go over and get it standing up straight very quickly. Glad your were not under it. Brad
  14. Ride safe have a good time, not making it this year. Brad,
  15. Seems to me that picture was yours a few years back so what are you trying to say about age. Very funny though as it suits both !!!! Brad
  16. I am sure you will all have a great day. We are Sorry as we will be missing it, this year. Enjoy Brad
  17. The pics above are a stock colour from 86. This was a standard version that came without CB, radio or the "Class" system. Brad
  18. That list is American, we have a few nicer colours up here. Like this one Brad
  19. On Antique motorcycles, I knew you wern't as slow as those old guys. Brad
  20. And you want to join, look at these suppose to be Grown men arguing about antiques. Welcome Brad
  21. So what you worried about. If it comes back take them all off and problem solved. Brad
  22. BradT

    Michelin tires

    Pretty sure a few people were using these. My wife had them on a Virago and seemed to be pretty good. Thought the comments were positive. I believe Freebird ran a few sets, back when he was riiding If I changed from the Dunlop WWW I think I would try a set. Brad
  23. BradT

    New Toy

    Yup, TX and Don can look it up on the thier I Phones Brad
  24. BradT


    Carl can be a little confusing at times but I am thinking the Metzler was the tire with the piece missing. Az Bones, before making that decision do you homework here on the site and see how many have issues with the Metzlers. Never had Metzlers but many people love them, but it appears they do not hold up on these bigger bikes. Personally I am not a gambler at the slots and even less when it comes to tires on a Motorcycle. IF you go that route I hope you do not have any issues. Brad
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