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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Assume your looking for newer so your options are dependant on your budget. I owned a 86, 99 and now a 2008 and enjoyed them all. Never had a wing but I am quite comfortable on the RSV I am 6' tall. Good luck Brad
  2. Last weekend we tried to get away 25 miles from home fuel pump decided to take a 15 minute break so back home we go to fix it in my garage. Ruined the weekend. You got away much better than I did Brad
  3. 2,000 plus miles was a good trip and the ending was just a memory and it ended up pretty good. Glad you made it back as it is always more enjoyale fixing something at home, when you have a little more time. Brad
  4. We know who the pain in the neck is ! Bwahaha.....
  5. Chit happens and best of all no one got hurt !
  6. No name needed.
  7. 38 hours with passport and only 5 hour sby plane
  8. Weight of the 30" trailer not you !
  9. Pretty sure that is what I have as well and the open end needs to be flipped a few times, otherwise works perfect as mentioned. Brad
  10. HAHA What you saying after 20 years ? Didn't take me that long but I am still practising !
  11. Used up a lot of Dunlop 404 WWW's and never had one bulge like that. Used to throw them away with tread left every year after Don's MD. Safer that way and always got more than 10,000 miles on them Brad
  12. Already has a trailer the hitch he has should pull it with ease just not sure about the rear tire handling the weight Brad
  13. We stayed in a hotel close to him and he met us in the parking lot and painted my bike. Class act it was. However I do not have his number but he did not check email much so you really should call once you get a number Good luck Brad
  14. Kitchener Rally and the hair cutting boy did Squidley look funny. Not many pictures of that Brad
  15. There is a link somewhere here that you can download the manual. Try Second gen tech section. Brad
  16. Had a similar problem when I got my 99. Just got it, and the ignition went out on me when I was suppose to meet a bunch of you at Gary N's, did not even know where the fuses were or how to tank the tank off. I looked at the manual and was able to hot wire it. Get the manual and start reading to get familiar. Good luck Brad
  17. Part numbers do not match but they work, as Bob mentioned. Honda dealer argued with me, but when I got there and showed him he was surprised. Brad
  18. Lots to see and you do know that Newfoundland is a long way away... LOL Takes more time to see it than you may think Brad
  19. Sorry to hear this news. At a 100 mph he should have cleared the hole with a little bump or that was one large hole. I believe it is too early to ride but the pot holes need to be repaired immediatley and that does not happen. I would not want to hit them in a car let alone a bike sure can do some major damage. A few years back I bent a steel rim and took out the tie rod, cost me a couple hundred and I did the work. Brad
  20. Have some interest however not sure we can make it. Late August is not good for us earlier the better but dont count my vote.. I will just watch this. Brad
  21. You may find a flavoured MM at the MM store in Las Vegas that you may like. Those are tubes of different mm's. Brad
  22. I thought of that Bob, but did not hear anything. Also I thought that was common on the First gens never heard it on the G2. So what vent hose gets plugged anyway ? To all Only happened once and that was many miles back. Most likely will look at the pump in spring.
  23. THought it was a cougar ? LOL Brad
  24. That's the reason Carl has his MD day to help those who need the assistance. HE is good at repairs, sometimes he even does them more than once to make sure he gets it right. After he re does it a third time you really have to feel good that he got it better than new.... Labour rate is cheap just need to listen and he is happy.... Brad
  25. Venturefar thanks. That is what I was looking for. I do not believe I have an issue. Once early last year I was clipping along and it bogged to a stop. I opened the gas cap put key in the ignition, it started and nothing since (about 6,000 miles ago). I was only curious what the symptons would be. Eddie most (okay all) EFI have fuel pumps so you could be next.... Yes Black Beauty did not look that good with the other one beside it.. Brad
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