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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Those are the ones a little closer to Toronto or on the South side of the 401. Brad
  2. He will get over it and I also would like to say that I am very sorry to hear this. All the best to you (Jack) and your family. Brad
  3. Sarge it is just as bad as Arkansas not quite as hot but very humid and it does not cool at night Brad
  4. Phil go early to beat the rush and heat. Then you can leave when it gets uncomfortable. Brad
  5. What you waiting for , ride it............. Brad
  6. Yah but as long as your okay we can talk about something else. All the best buddy. Not going to Dover but with the temps it is going to be busy. Maybe I will ride down after work. should still be a few riding around. Brad
  7. Sounds like your enjoying your ride, so all I can say is enjoy the miles. Brad
  8. It is obvious. Soon you will realize what you should have done long ago. Saves you so much time doing more important things, rather than wrenchin. Brad
  9. I too stopped buying seafoam unless i run into an issue I may pick up a can. I may also try Berrymans but only if I was going to burn the tank and fill it back up, as I do not think I would like to have the fuel sit in the carbs. I also like Lucas products not cheap either. Brad
  10. One of the other ones, he owns, most likely the yellow one. HAHA His wife was trying to sell them all HAHA Go figure. Brad
  11. BradT

    New Home

    Thanks for all the comments Sorry Rick you missed it, got Naugh-T the indoor plumbing she always wanted and John they took the porta pottie away. Brad
  12. BradT

    New Home

    Well we finally made it. With all the issues we had earlier this year, Rhonda and I finally got moved into to our new home. IT was not easy and we both went through a lot. I want to thank Brooke and Matthew for moving all the stuff we have and not complaining too much. And of Course Rhonda for putting up with my crankyness over the last few months. (Love you) Brad
  13. If Thomphil goes to Saint Johns before IR he will be 5,000 miles or about 3,700 miles if he only goes to Cape Breton and those are direct routes. San Diego to IR is about 2,500 miles. Canada is a lot bigger than you all South of the border would think. BRad
  14. Sounds like a great trip, enjoy and ride safe BRad
  15. Kenny all the best with things down South, and hope you will be able to use your new passports soon. Brad
  16. Enjoy your ride. Too many things to do around here. Brad
  17. I think if you can get a pair of singles it may just work as well Brad
  18. Welcome to the site and wheres the pictures BRad
  19. If it is new it is worth putting the wheel on and trying the tire. If you don't like it change it. Even a few thousand miles is worth the try even if you hate it, replace it. I have no problem with them and get 10,000 miles easily everytime. I run the WWW and have 14,000 miles on this set and not planning on changing it for a bit or a trip comes up. Brad
  20. And when are you quiet ? Brad
  21. Blow dryer as heat gun can be too hot. If your lucky it will peel off if not it comes of in little pieces then a littler mineral spirits, soap and wax Brad
  22. Hope things get a little less stressful for you, and all the best to your mother. Would like to get to a Skid in one of these days. Brad
  23. Mr. Owl I am sure you were hoping you would be asked the same thing. Brad
  24. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  25. Enjoy the ride, whiich direction are you heading first ? Been a while since you come through this area. Safe travels and you are doing the Cabot Trail right ? Brad
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