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Everything posted by BradT

  1. With a smile like that you were really trying to rescue a damsell in distress. Some people will do anything to ride someones bike. By the way do you know how hard it was to get that rainsuit off the pipes ? And take a look another look at the video the windshield was already broken. Funny Rhonda and I were both dry all the way to the Sault. Brad
  2. Kreg bike is an 08, and has warranty until some where around Feb 2013. It will need to go Stateside to see the dealer though. New York is relatively close by Brad
  3. Okay just maybe I deserved that one but seriously the issue I doubt is oil. The high pitched whine I am okay with. But there is a lower pitched growl which sounds like gears. When the clutch is pulled in or let off throttle it goes away. Don't like the noise, will have too look into it a bit more. Brad
  4. Hottest driest summer following the mildest winter, what can be next ? Brad
  5. Go for the Santa Claus Beard Brad
  6. Is this noise fairly high pitched or a deeper low grumble type sound ? Brad
  7. Tunes are turned up pretty good like always. Same oil I have used for past 60,000+ miles Castro 20W-50 and has about 1,800 miles on since it was changed. Always gets changed before the 3,000 mile mark. Brad
  8. Have a few questions on this whine. I always understood there was two sounds the drive train made. One fairly high pitched sound that changes with RPM and goes away or can’t always be heard. Also I understand there was a deeper sound as well, which you hear about the same times as the higher pitch sound. The high pitched sound does not bother me but this deeper sound just started and has gotten louder in the past 500 miles. I have an 08 RSV with 21,500 miles, upgraded the clutch with PCW kit, 1,500 miles ago, new tires. I hear the deeper sound at about 30 miles an hour in 3rd and as long as you are maintaining speed. Let of the throttle, or pull the clutch sound disappears. This sound is also there in 4th gear at 40 mph, and stays there all the way to about 60 mph. 5th Gear the sound is louder but at 65 it is very loud. I can still hear it at 75 but the wind noise is starting to drown out the sound. Does this bike have the basket issue ? Why did it just start or started shortly after I upgraded the clutch ? Does it get worse with more miles on the bike ? Any comments or suggestions. Thanks Brad
  9. re post on this in a couple of days and it beings it back to the top or back up to the top of New posts. Then when people get back from International they may see it if not it can get lost in a lot of posts. Not that people will not answer they may not have seen the post. brad
  10. No help here but waiting a couple days when others get back from the Ralley, then bumping your post back up if you don't get the answer within the next day or so. Welcome to the site Brad
  11. Oh not good news, all the best to her just hope they can stop it before it goes any further. Brad
  12. And a 800 dollar shock. Not worth the price of the hand pump.
  13. Blow the fuse, too much air and you loose air taking the hose off. Hand pump does not loose air and there is soo little amount of air the hand pump is all that is needed. Brad
  14. Hand pump that you will almost always find at a Harley Dealer. Going to cost less than 100 bucks but then you can check it and change it anytime you want. Brad http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Hand-Air-Pump-Harley-Davidson-/370576050614?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item56480dc9b6
  15. Happy Birthday Carl. Hope you have a great day. Brad
  16. Dam Fly's. Sit back and enjoy. Brad
  17. Yah but a lot of stuff in there. nice pics Brad
  18. I know what a venture looks like but where is the pic of the 85 ? Brad
  19. Still lost cheat or not, but do you remember, that was a long time ago. Brad
  20. Mr. Owl do you remember the bet, yes the one you lost ? Brad
  21. Will have to go to the DMV and get those changed so the 83 uses CRBN1 Brad
  22. Good one. I remember that one Brad
  23. Think they (Seafoam) warranty the fuel can sit for two years so there is no need to put a another can in the same tank of fuel. Does not evaporate that fast. Brad
  24. Well this request is from a Non attending guest of Pork in the pines and the request is not related to food, but ............ I am thinking some silly challenge to Double the amount of people that you can get to "Pork in the Pines" vs. putting the infamous Tail Feather back up for grabs. Kinda like in the old days when someone was a little more daring and making silly bets, they can not possibly win. Brad
  25. Skip the Toronto portion and stay just North of this. From Ottawa head into Bancroft area, Algonquin Park, cut across country in the Muskokas and then head to Sudbury, Sault and cross back into the UP. Well worth the ride. Brad
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