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Everything posted by BradT

  1. What about Plug wires or Fuel Filter. Maybe the carbs need a manual overhaul. (these are my winter projects). To me Sounds more electrical than anything. I think it was Joe Mac that did some testing on the TCI's, although they worked and measured well they were not giving enough current to burn properly. What do the plugs look like ? Mine does not get bad gas mileage (180 miles/4.2 us gal) running at 55 mph. However I sure had no power out west pulling the trailor. Even when I dropped to fourth and in some cases had to go to third. Brad
  2. NOt sure but the timing is not adjustable, manually. Also could it be starving for fuel, maybe a new fuel filter would help. Brad
  3. One of our members here had a similar problem, changed the tire, balanced the tire, added a superbrace, then went to the solid engine mounts. Nothing changed. Tightened the steering head brgs, again nothing. However he went back and loosened steering head brgs (just a little) and he has not complained since (at least not about a wobble), and said his problem went away. So my two cents is that if this fellow is not complaining he finally got it, must have been brgs.. Some think he is a bit anal, but I know better. Good luck. Brad
  4. Do you guys have photos of those Avons on your bike ? Brad
  5. :rotf:Seems to me that your mechanical ability is similar to mine. Curse and hit it with a hammer, and curse again because you now broke something. Again I could not agree more on your comments. Not sure who installed mine but when you take the lights of there almost impossible mounting position the person never left enough wire to rest it nicely on the fendor (covered for protection). So the whole light bar and lights have to dangle from two small wires which of only one bares the weight. I am sure the person who wired mine had is ears ringing. Brad
  6. Hi Skunk. There is a bunch of us down here in Kitchener, and members of SCRC 270, I would assume you know a few of them. Anyway not sure the helmut you are using and what you think expensive is, but here is a cheap J&M which are pretty good. http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/2310_J_M_HS8154_Headset_for_Goldwing_w_1Piece_Cord http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DHS%2D8154%2DOF I bought mine from Sierra but I know a SCRC member who bought his from Wingstuff, and had it shipped directly to his house. The Intercom is quite nice when riding two up. Brad
  7. I believe Gary N bought the Avon White walls. I have not seen them. I use the Dunlop 404 WWW's as well. Brad
  8. Memory bank is overloaded. With all the pieces of paper you print off and put in the bike it is a good thing you have a tour with bags. Brad
  9. Lost mine on the first ride after I purchased it. But it was still on the floor board when I stopped, on the side of the highway. Hand tightened it (did not have one tool) and kept my boot against it, rest of the way home. Brad
  10. Just for info the 450 has an MP3 player. I am happy with my 450. BRad
  11. I have the 8154 's (NOt sure numbers) and they are not too bad. My wife has a better set (from j&M) and there is a bit of a difference, in sound. Wind noise with intercom is not that bad, and there is plastic wind socks that help. Brad
  12. If battery is getting a little bad you could always turn the idle up a tad to make sure it keeps above 12 volts, (obviously only short term help untill you get time to replace it.). Also turn the riding lights off during teh day. Brad
  13. Better handling at slow speeds. Easier to turn, similar to getting a smaller tire. Also a little more comfortable if your taller. (at a stop) Brad
  14. This lets in quit a bit of air, but I do not get wet, except for the knees. Others added a air louvers in teh windshield. Brad
  15. Hey Eck with it all over the plug does it collect dust, and look dirty ? If so do you end up cleaning these plugs, Just curious I put it on the metal only Brad
  16. Gary Nice job. Also I like the looks of those. BRad
  17. Synching the carbs should get rid of the popping unless your higher in elevation than most. If your elevation is over 5,000 ft then you will have to plug the AIS, to get rid of it. Brad
  18. I would suggest trying to Grease all the linkages in the shifter first. Also there is one hiding behind the floorboard. Brad
  19. I tried that many times as well. Seems Garage floor is slippery and the bike slids sometimes. WITH rocket oh I feel sorry for you (Just joking Rocket buddy). Yes it is simple, as gibvel stated in the legs and pull not lift. SO was the oil okay or not ? Brad
  20. I still think getting the bike off the centre stand was harder than getting it up on the Centre stand. There is a simple technic and once you figure it out it is very simple. (unless all the bags are full.) Brad
  21. Squeeze you never offended him He always speaks with Sarcasim, just his style of humour. Funny sometime. By the way I had an 86 and you were right on, with your comment. Brad
  22. I would pull the brake on and then read the volt meter and make sure it was just above 12 volts or no more than 1200 rpm. Most of the time it would be less than a 1000 rpm. Brad
  23. I always thought you could get 140 miles before you run out at Highway speeds. Better if you took it easy and slower back roads. Try the seafoam for a couple of tanks, also I do not believe running 91 will improve your gas mileage much if any.. Brad
  24. No suggestions, but to have a good time. See you and "Oh Sherry" when you return. Brad
  25. This one leaves things wide open after a trip like this last one. I think the circuit board needs to soldered. Brad
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