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Everything posted by BradT

  1. :rotf:You are correct but I was meaning his Telephone Numbers Brad
  2. Dave do you have a reputation or what ? BRad
  3. This guy is either full of crap or has been smuggling it in to Canada. Two years (or so) back I spoke to the fellow who was inporting it into Canada. The first to bring it in Canada was in Manitoba and a engine shop called Cylinder head. This was not that long before it made it to Ontario. The main reason it was not imported was that they had to change the packaging so that it was metric (not sure if French is on it as well). This appearantl took a long time to get it right to make sure they followed the importing rules. Brad
  4. All over the bloddy place. Just got back from Charlotte, and Columbia SC. Been to every province in Canada including NWT, and many states in the US. Can't stand the travelling now, so I try to get out of every trip I can. Somthing about hotels, restaurants and airports that gets a little tiring. Brad
  5. Not many have your number. They are unlisted yah know. BRad
  6. 85 today here, in South Carolina, and was 95 yesterday. Brad
  7. Wonder why he asked you to ask, did he not want to be asked how it broke ? Brad
  8. Could the problem be a plugged fuel filter, or one that is getting close to being plugged. ? Just another idea. Brad
  9. If he buys in the US and Brings it across. Expecially with the Dollar the way it is . BRad
  10. I agree here as this is where I would start. After replacing the plugs. Run for a bit and if it still chugs at low speeds, take plugs out fora look. If there wet and black Running rick was the problem, now how to fix depends on what is causing it. A bad battery can cause a weak spark unless the RPMS are high. This is a similar problem My Wifes Virago had. Could not stop fouling the plugs, untill I ran it hard for about 20 minutes. Then it cleared up. Put along and they fouled up again. I changed the plugs and the battery (Knew it was bad), and never had the problem again, It has been two years now. Brad
  11. I cheated with the 450. I put a two prong quick disconnect in the line, and when I go to the Car, I have a 12 volt plug with a two prong quick disconnect that plugs into the wire from the Zumo Cradle. I also had a suction ram mount that attaches it to the windshield. Cost me 5 bucks for the two plugs. Ram suction mount was given to me. Brad
  12. Scot Sorry to hear about that. Hope your okay, you didn't say, but from the post I am thinking all is okay. Bet the concrete felt some effects of you and the bike falling though. (sorry). Scot did you try Zdeno 519 745-7010 Anyway Bongobob, bring it up and we can get it to him. Brad
  13. I would almost bet money this is the answer. Been there and done that on my wifes Virago 1100. real simple fix. (15 minutes) Rod also has one and he must be speaking from Expirience. Brad
  14. I believe the purpose for lifting it to get the rubber away from the Concrete, as the concrete will draw the moisture from the rubber, leaving them brittle. I do not lift the bike either but I place a rubber car floor mat under the tires to prevent the contact, to the concrete. Never had a problem yet. I also try to move the bike a little over winter. Brad
  15. Ditto on the above comments Glad your okay ! Sorry to hear about this. BRad
  16. Hey Swifty me thinks these guys see you coming and I would almost bet that they get together and say here comes one, lets have some fun. Thats why the cell did not work, you took off. Hope you enjoyed your trip as it is now "Back to reality" Teaching. Brad
  17. I was going to say that but thought it would not be nice. Now if you were Mr Owl, I may have said it and then some. Good luck on your findings Brad
  18. Ditto Had the same thing in 100+ degress heading out west. Brad
  19. I would think air would make it easier, maybe there is something binding on the pivot. Also is it possible the engine oil needs to be changed ? Brad
  20. Others PLug the AIS System, which solves the problem. I did not plug mine but when it starts backfiring I know it is time for the carb tune. Check the tech section as there is a right up on how to do this. Brad
  21. You can also try these, I got one for my wifes headset and it seemed to help. She is in the wind on her Virago more than I am, so this helped here mic. Again from Sierra http://www.sierra-mc.com/search.asp Brad
  22. As Eddie mentioned I guess we can see who twists the wrist harder, My fuel mileage is different with every tank. Also we can see who is converting the mileage with US gallons and who is Canadian:sign20: Brad
  23. This one I posted does not work with the half helmut the boom is not quite long enough. The one they have for the half helmut is http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DHS%2DBCD277%2DKHH This is the one my wife uses. The sound quality is better than mine, but the cost is quite a bit more. Sarge I believe buddy here did say there was an extra charge. Mine did not ship across the border (good point). Still cheaper than buying same thing in Canada/ Brad These look interesting but may be a pain to put the helmut on. Brad
  24. Can not agree more with you Almost does not count right. Last year I was very close. Actually Todd I just got it back up when you came to help. Seemed like I was holding it forever, but it must have been only a couple seconds. Brad
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