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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Sorry Do not have the answer for you, but thought it was Aluminum ? Curious do you have a Heal toe shifter ? As this seems to be the cause of this type of failure. Brad
  2. BradT

    Gary N

    I know what you mean. Brad
  3. I thought it was more like some of the parts bike you own Bob. Brad
  4. BradT

    Gary N

    I hope all goes well with you tomorrow as I am sure it will. All the best, and if you can not get on to let us know, maybe Leslie can get on for a minute to let us know how it went. Brad
  5. What you saying, that he does not eat as much as the "fat guy who needs loving" ? If I was a squirrel I too would e worried around you Reiny. Heck after your stunt in Colorado I make sure your in front of me now. Brad
  6. As some of you are aware, my wife had surgery yesterday and I am happy to report that all went well. First it was a bit of a struggle just finding a room. She had to stay in the recovery room a while longer than planned and would not let me visit her. Then they were suppose to get me on the way by the waiting room but they did not, and told my wife that I went home. She was ticked that I had left but in fact I was not. Finally I made it to her room, to find out she is in a recently converted recovery room that was made into a ward. (our coverage is for a Private but there is none available nor a semi private available). This room has no phone hook-ups, or TV's, so add this to the frustrations. Anyway it was a struggle at first, but I am happy to say she is recovering much better. Started out slow, and each time I left and came back she was better. Hoping that she can come home tomorrow, but Doctor says depends on if she can do the things on his short list. When I went back tonight after supper with the girls it was a major improvement. Doctor said all is well and she should be back at work in 8 weeks. I feel she is a very strong and brave women and I am very happy to report all things went well, now we have to wait out the healing. For those who were aware and sent me a PM (or Email) thank-you very much, it is appreciated. Brad
  7. :rotf:Yes it does not take up much room so I kept all four of them. Actually I would have to find them to delete them. Brad
  8. Could be more comfortable with that big ass seat as well Brad
  9. Are you sure, I was automatically thinking of a different pic that I still have today. But you keep saying it is not yours. Nice picture and I too remember it being someones avatar. (but can not remember either) Brad
  10. Agree ! Specially when the tires are worn a bit and get much louder when you lean any from vertical. As far as the whine goes it seems that mine is worse at certain RPM's so try shifting slightly different and maybe the noise would not be as bad. Best of luck, hope you get to enjoy your ride. Brad
  11. He probably knows he has a good hand, maybe you looked as well and you have a good hand as well Brad
  12. So I will ask. Do any of you think the Canadians could License this on our Side ? Where is Mr. Wise Owl, figure he would know. ? Brad
  13. This link is a good reference, not exact to Yamaha, but pretty close. There was a more detailed post but I could not find it. http://www.autoinsurancetips.com/decoding-your-vin IN a nut shell first three digits are assigned to Yamaha. THe fourth to the Eighth digit is something that Yamaha can select to identify the type of motorcycle, engine, etc.... (SOrry do not have this specifically). 10th digit is the year. 11-17 is a sequential numbering normally used to identify when it was made. The 9th digit is a calculated number using a formula and the other 16 digits, this is to ensure there is no two serial numbers exact. BRad
  14. Just for info if your recieved mail is empty, check your sent box, as this accumulates messages as well. Some people forget or were not aware of this. Brad
  15. I thought it was a good idea, but Don in order for you to win the contest it would have to be the "stupid toys we own" Of course we never do anything stupid. I am sure I could be typing for a long time with my short list of dumb things. Brad
  16. You betcha gotta get priorities straight. Happy Are you sure ?
  17. Yes, to answer your question. No 1 Head is cracked ? If you have the Engine out heads off, flip motor over remove the pan and then the oil galleries (Not sure may have been only two bolts) pull it off (O-ring). Then you can get and the lower end of the connecting rods. It is tight and you need a swivel. Then you can flip the motor over and push piston up and out of the block. Forgot to take pictures of the bottom and when the piston was removed. When putting it back together make sure you look at the small and large (holes) cam shaft marks. Also you had better have a manual as the there is two different timing marks for the front and rear cylinders. (shown below) If needed I can email the pages to you. If you want send me a PM. All above on a 86 1300, doubt there is any differences. BRad
  18. Glad you got it figured out. Brad
  19. I thought it was ABS Plastic Resin, but I may be wrong. Brad
  20. As mentioned Sorry but not a good night for me. Taking care of Rhonda BRad
  21. First off Welcome from Canada and congrats to you on the purchase. If you have a digital camera we all love pictures. (some may jump on you as this is about the only rule here other than its a family site.) Anyway not sure your mechanical skill, but for general maintenance just ask the question and people will help guide you through. OR if you prefer to let someone else do the work I hope someone will give you the name of a mechanic in your area. So Welcome and don't be shy. Brad
  22. Excuse me but did you see the Ontario Plates in FC. One 1st gen was getting new springs, the other ONE was riding around but needed a push to get started, (something about a bad battery). But the 2 nd gens with Ontario plates were going strong. Talking Harley, that part falls off when the screw rattles out. Brad
  23. And Mother has not found the medic yet either. Brad
  24. I honestly do not believe you can get the heads off the bike while the engine is in the bike. It will be a pain to get the lower caps off the Rods while the engine is in the bike. They are way up and on a big angle, you need a swivel to get at the bolts. It was a pain with the engine upside down on the ground. I removed all the platic and pulled the motor, it took 3 hours on my 86. Once all the plastic is off it is not hard to remove the motor. Brad
  25. Thanks a lot Buddy. INvite me to pay the bill. Sorry to dissapoint yah, have to stay home to take of Rhonda. Brad
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