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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Reiny both patches have different dates. ? Just an idea ? On the first one, try and centre 2008, put the Logo centred under 2008 and dump the flag. Maybe add the CDN/American flag at the bottom Brad
  2. I always liked my Avatar. Brad
  3. BRad
  4. Why did you count them, it tells you how many different members viewed it. Maybe you just double checking to make sure the computer program can count Brad
  5. I am just wondering did he buy the truck because he needed too or wanted too. Brad
  6. Was not aware of the Rebate being scraped. Maybe they will bring it back becuase of the Dollar. Border towns sure rob you when it comes to gas prices. Guess they like too force the cross border shopping. Cheaper here. Can not tell you how much though as it keeps changing, one big jump then a slow drop for a week, then jump up again. Brad
  7. You could always take the car again. You trying to give Mr. Owl a run at the Venture Ranger, BRad
  8. I too was wondering about him. Hope all is okay. He must be enjoying his trip Brad
  9. Gary I do not think the hotels are that much, yes beer costs more and it should only hurt Stardbog as he buys more than most everyone one else (except maybe Beer30 but never met him). your fuel cost must be on a CDN gallon as it is closer to 3.50 per gallon. Also if you want to do the paperwork when your cross the border home you can apply for the 6% GST rebate, when you cross border home. Brad
  10. Glad you amde it safely home. Does this guy own a pond as well ? Brad
  11. Mr. Owl, 110 people viewed the post does not mean 110 different members read the post. This is my second time looking at it, and I am sure I was counted twice. No wonder you have a hard time counting Brad
  12. My service was as quick, and I ordered mine during the Christmas rush. Amazing how fast it can go so far. Anyway it is not hard to do but you do know the manual is incorrect. Read the posts here, to find out which screws to do first. Yes you need a long screwdriver. Brad
  13. Like this idea. Maybe these people would like to see there name in it as well, and offer some sort of incentive to do so. Brad
  14. Only when others hear it ! So in this case YES ! Brad
  15. BradT

    Gary N

    Gary Suggest that you do not let them First gen riders, keep it running for you. After they get a taste of the 2nd gen you won't get it back, they would never go back to the Antiques Brad
  16. BradT

    Gary N

    Hey careful with the beer, your allowed only one. Maybe two as it is with good friends. Brad
  17. Wow an awful lot of operations going on this week. Larry all the best, hope it works out as planned. Brad
  18. Well she must have been behaving at the hospital as they let her leave. We got home early afternoon. Sore but feeling much better. She ended leaving the hospital with a cold, So now the sneezing and coughing is going to hurt. Couped up for a couple of Days, she wanted to go to the Ontario Meeting which we did, for a couple hours. Anyway back at home safe. NOw I just have to keep her resting, yah right. Thanks for all the kind words. Brad
  19. Wow nice comparison. A lot of thought in that. Congratulations on the new to you bike, and welcome to the Family. I would think the Steering head Bearing should be checked as well. (there is a nice write up on this here). Also Buddy forgot to mention, if all is working good, this engine likes to rev. Some will run this engine way up into the red line (eh Charlie and 86er). Something does not seem right based on the comment on the carb cleaner. Suggest running a few tanks with Seafoam in it or take them off and tear them apart, they are 23 years old and yah never know when or if this was done. Best of Luck Brad
  20. Brad, have a safe ride. Take it easy and do not push it, to hard. We will catch up with you guys when you return. Brad
  21. Glad I made it then I don't volunteered, right Reiny. Brad
  22. BradT

    Gary N

    Eck his Garage is bigger than my house, and it is heated so the bike never sees the cold. Also it is almost 800 miles for you in our cool weather just to keep it warm. However IF you do make it up, drive it up to our place and visit Rhonda and I (and the rest of the Kitchener folks), we are about three hours North. That should warm it up. Brad
  23. Good too know. Thanks BRad
  24. 50% right or should I said 50% wrong. Oh well I thought it was a problem with the heal toe shifter. BEst of luck finding the repair. Brad
  25. I have one too (see below), okay two. I never did get close up of the whole engine after I cleaned it up. Dan this is not the one I talking about. Don said everytime I posted it he would delete it. Brad
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