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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Welcome to the site and best of luck with your decisions. BRad
  2. Rod Try and push the rod back in by hand. (you will be on the right side of the bike while pushing) It will be tough but push it, it should slowly move in. If it does then make sure the splines in the plates are lined up, while re-installing. (expecially the lst one) Brad
  3. No I don't my bike was immported. Spud Yours would be the first I ever saw, with Both like that. Brad
  4. Local 2nd gen owners have to work for a living. Do not have the time to ride all summer. Brad
  5. You will pay more when the Dark side pulls you in. Brad
  6. All out riding, so that they can make a list of problems (and checking it twice) for the winter overhaul season. I know of one that has to go into the living room to be worked on all winter long. Brad
  7. Glad to hear all went well Brad
  8. Dennis Glad to hear your relatively okay. Brad
  9. Eddie, Black Eh ! Very nice, Is it a Saleen ? Brad
  10. BradT


    Anyway it is just so nice that there are so many people, willing to help others here. The help comes in so many ways, Mechanical, opinions, caring words, encouragement, etc.... (this list goes on). I would like to thank Gary N for helping my wife get my Birthday Present. During our last meet and Eat she asked Gary to help her get a pair of lower wind deflectors. Instantly he said yes and had them shipped to Brad and Lonna's place. They came in just before Brad and Lonna came up for the Hair trimming, so they were brought to Hals place (thanks also Brad and Lonna). Where Rhonda was able to get them home. I know I have no pictures that is because Gary told me to put my tools away so they are not mounted yet, untill he comes to help Rhonda put them on:sign20:. Thanks goes out to all. Brad
  11. And he does not ride in the rain :sign13:Bill Could not resist. Congrats on the new ride. Brad
  12. My mistake based on the other comments Brad
  13. Thanks Vance Brad
  14. IN 85 they had the same trunk as the 86 and up. 83-84 had the smaller trunks. Brad
  15. Curious where so you ge the mic mutes ? Also I used the IMC, did not like the sound quality or the mic. I now using the cheaper J&M from Sierra and they are much better. Brad
  16. Hi Ray, noticed your from Paris. I was riding there a few weeks back and noticed a 07 Black/blue in a Garage (in the new subdivision), as I drove by. One or two houses from 24. Could that be you ? Anyway you have a lot of members close by, maybe we will see you sometime. Brad
  17. The exact same thing happened to me this summer after riding up the steepest hill I ever rode up in Deadwood. It was about 105 Degrees, Got to the top and Chaos' fan was on and and mine was not. I too was curious, and was planning on checking when I got home. Actually was a bit concerned. Anyway a day later we stopped at a light and my fan clicked on. This was the first time I ever heard it. Brad
  18. Stay away from Oils that say energy conserving, as shown on the back of the bottle. Per the photos below the one on the left is NOT good for the clutch, one on the right is okay. Brad
  19. Amazing what all that Plastic will hide. Brad
  20. BradT

    Bike Bra's

    Thats an Eck Handle bar extension. You know for those guys that can not reach pedals (Same idea) Brad
  21. Agree Very nice job BRad
  22. What are you saying, he is a wind bag. Brad
  23. Takes extra work to blend it in and make it look natural, I guess. Squidley fixed his and shaved it off Brad
  24. Bigin, I was just razin Todd for when he returns. Brad
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