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Everything posted by BradT

  1. :stirthepot:Hey Bill, Us Canadians Too Agree with yah 100% Brad
  2. Those guys are bigger than Ben ! That is one bread that Rhonda's really likes BRad
  3. :clap2:All the best with the Insurance, sure this will be Fun BRad
  4. Glad you two noticed it, before something happened. 07 may be over now but at least you will starting 08 on the right foot. Congrats Mr. Owl for the ride home. Brad
  5. Ditto this, but I put Seafoam in the tank and run it for a bit then shut the fuel off and run the carbs empty. Wash it well before you put it away. Keep the tires on the concrete (put something under each one.) Thats it except for the normal maintenance (oil change and anything else you wanted to get done). Brad
  6. BUt Ed only had one, maybe he should have had thought that two are always better than one. Brad:rotf:
  7. It was/is a Dunlop, and I think the boy in blue already mentioned it too him. Abdul I believe he survived. See Pic Brad
  8. I was looking at that as well, but found this little one. Thinking it would be easier to install. Boo I may go with the one Eck pointed out. Sorry to hear yours did not work Brad
  9. Is the water flowing or is there a possible problem with the water pump. You could take rad cap off (engine cold) and then let it run. When the thermo stat opens you should see the water flowing in the rad. Best of luck Brad
  10. Run-n-bare had a rear tire blow out on him near North Bay this past week. He said he got it down under 100 km before he went down. Ed also stated he did not go down but he just "parked it funny and was pretending to be an asphalt tumbleweed". I talked to Ed and he said it was okay, to post this. He is okay, a little bruised and sore. He had chaps and leather jacket on which helped him alot, but was knocked out, and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He is now home safe. A little cosmetic damage but if anyone has any parts upper fairing right and the black plastic that houses the class system (please email ed or post here). He is amazed with how well he made out, he said that he has had more damage from dropping the bike it in the driveway. He did have a snowmobile ski strapped to the seat and he believes this may have helped prevent more damage to the bike. For you southerners who do not see snow, this is a precation that us Canadians must take and carry a ski with us while riding late in the season (just in case). Ed we are glad your okay. Take it easy. Brad, Rhonda and the Girls
  11. Chalrie do not worry about it, just make sure you go to court in Kitchener for the traffic ticket. Appearantly the DA is not that cleaver. Brad
  12. If it put out 100 watts at 12volts it would be 8.3 amps Brad
  13. This is one quite small and may fit just about anywhere. Not sure how well works. Brad http://www.motorcyclespeakers.net/shop/speaker-amplifier-100-110-prd1.htm
  14. Maybe so but you only get the good drinks on the north side of the US/CDN border:sign20: Brad
  15. Hey Sarge is this Three trailors for you now. The one from BC, Piggy Back and now a camper Good for you. I believe you can get a hitch for the 1100 maybe it can pull the piggy backer. Brad
  16. Is Yahama a little outragous ? Best of luck BRad
  17. Are you sure it is running on all four after powering up. I had one cylinder not firing once before and at highway speeds it was hard to tell it was only running on three (except for horrible gas mileage). Mine was a bad plug. Brad
  18. :sign20:Good one ! Brad
  19. Not much to worry about ( for a few years) with the warranty and all. Brad
  20. Guess it depends on where you live. North or South. Best of luck with your findings. Brad
  21. Congrats to you. I am sure you will be happy and heres come the question Spud ! Brad
  22. Glad all things worked out for you. Hope your feeling better. Brad
  23. Swifty blew a rear tire at about 70 Mph my wife was behind him and I was behind her. The rear of the bike swayed about two feet before he was able to stop it, on the side of the Highway. Sure was scary looking. When he stopped he jumped off and was still in Third gear when he shut it down. Anyway picked up a nail and it went flat quick. He was pulling a trailer and I honestly think that is what kept him up straight. Brad
  24. I always use 20W50 oil (not synthetic). I never had a problem, that I know of. Brad
  25. Hey Ken, Your here odds are 100% the First Gen'rs will be whining. Brad
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