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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Jeff thanks for the update. Also I agree can we send a card ? Gary we are wishing you the best. Brad
  2. Good thing INCO never closed the mines near you. Maybe it was a rumour but that would hurt the market conditions up there. BRad
  3. Silver Thought Calgary was the hot Market in the west. Here around Toronto prices are all over the place. Cindy and Dale All the best to you two, hope the sale goes through for you. Brad
  4. Sent you a PM Brad
  5. I would assume that Yamaha can still order most parts. Aftermarket parts can be found here from time to time and Ebay. BRad
  6. 99 % sure they are the same. BRad
  7. Congrats and have nice safe ride. BRad
  8. That Time a year again and our local SCRC chapter 270, got together for a Halloween Party. Just so happnes that many of us Venture Riders are SCRC members as well. Anyway I we had a great time and thought I would post a couple of pictures of the evening. If anyone is ever been afraid of the tooth fairy, you have every right to be. PS. I was laughing so hard. I missed a good photo of the tooth fairy falling on his A$$, but he did not spill his beer. Brad Pic #1- Me in my younger days (Naugh-T thinks she was funny) Pic #2- Naugh-T and I Pic #3- Brick (Gayle, HALRSV99's best half) Pic #4- MOONDOG and Janice Pic #5- Mother, Naugh-T and Ooh Sherry Pic #6- Naugh-T and Rhonda (Brick's Wife) Pic #7- Tooth Fairy (HALRSV99) Pic #8- Too Funny so I had to take a couple of pictures Pic #9- Mother and the Tooth Fairy
  9. Ouch and it looked like it was in very nice shape. At least your still here, to talk about it BRad
  10. Hey Dan as Squeeze mentioned you may want a lighter oil as I know you ride in the Cold Winters. Thought you never stored it in the winter. You could use a lighter oil now then change it with the heavier oil in the Summer. Brad
  11. Do you think it had anything to do with the car ? BRad
  12. Well coming back from Fort Collins, I rode 535 miles on the bike, took the piggy back apart and loaded it into my Truck. Loaded the two bikes onto the trailor and left again, rode 475 more miles, in the truck pulling the two bikes behind in 17 Hours. Does this count as an Iron Butt ? Did a bunch of 500 + a few in a day, as this is a nice day ride. You can actually enjoy the scenary and there is no rushing. Brad
  13. It was on the other post Reid Funeral Home 87 Maidstone Avenue East Essex, ON. Canada N8M 2J3 Condolence's can also to emailed to http://www.reidfuneralhome.ca/current.asp under Leslie Nantais Grand Rapids is approx 180 miles away Brad
  14. Did a couple of these roads on Sunday for the first time. What a nice area. Brad
  15. GO figure you found it as well. Brad
  16. I do not remember, maybe this is a old Toy ! This last statement you sure are leaving yourself open for a 1st gen comment ?? Brad
  17. Tomorrow is here and still no pics Brad
  18. I agree with you on all points. Brad
  19. I hope your able to get many trouble free miles on it. Glad you commented about the pics Now we are waiting Brad
  20. A very nice article in the Windsor paper http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/story.html?id=ae861bef-dce1-4e45-9df0-f794cdb2fb5d&k=60275 I am happy to belong to this group. Brad
  21. Some of these men and the lady's poke pretty darn hard, but it is in fun. :sign20:I get along better with this family than my own, so I keep coming back. I am not afraid to ask but knowing these people you do not need to ask, they are there for everyone, Even Mr. Owl. The group here is great and this door is open to all. Brad
  22. What Jeff said but if it does not hold the air then you have a leak. You can repair it by finding it and fixing it, or the easier solution is to put progressive springs in the forks. Then you do not need the air. Not that expensive, and easy to install. Any problem ask more questions, you will get the answers. BEst of luck and welcome Brad.
  23. :rotf:You guys must be old. OOps I too was getting into it back in the later 70's, just young teenager and was not driving, but had a 29 channel in my dad's van. Then it got cold, so I bought a 40 channel base station. Had a 5/8 wave (can't remember ) Speed stick or split stick or something like that mounted to the side of the house, and about 20' above the roof. I could get about 25 miles on a good day. Could not remember the numbers untill I read Mothers post, mine was XM4169 ??? I would still have the paperwork somewhere I am sure. Remember it cost about 13 bucks for a license, back then. Still have the base station in the attic and both had power mikes. Brad
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