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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Not the sharp knifes they are in the wooden block:sign20: Brad
  2. It may help if you posted your route. I am not sure there are many members if you stay in Canada, but if you dropped along into the us you may meet more members. Moncton to Boston across I90 into Canada 1085 miles (this is the quickest route) Moncton along Trans Canada is 1013 miles. Just an idea and will be looking forward to meeting you. I travel to Mirimichi fairly often but I fly to Moncton. Brad
  3. I would have guessed the battery. (after checking conections). During the cranking of the engine will put a large strain on a battery, even if it is charged. So if the battery is on its last legs this drain will cause the battery to loose power to the radio clearing your memory. On the second gen it will also loose the presets on the trip counters. Brad
  4. Very well put, Eck. Give some time for a resolution, I am sure Don will handle it with our best interests at heart. Brad
  5. BradT

    Gps News

    RPG I think this was good advice. To each there own. My Garmin has ver 7 and it works quite well. A few streets around here are off just a little but pretty darn close. BRad
  6. MRAF - Now this was Funny. Naugh-T tells me the worst gift I gave her was a Mother-in-law. PS : I Did the Vaccum thing as well, but she asked for this, just did not want it for Mothers day . Brad
  7. When My switch went bad I had a radio and CB power only. BRad
  8. Agree with the Zumo 450 as I bought this unit early this summer. Almost everyday I used it I found another function. I did not need the fancy rasio, or Bluetooth But remember you do not need all the functions when your going from point a to b. I have never used the map software but use it mostly to get through towns, or the fastest way to a certain point (home), or to find banks, restaurants, gas stations, beer stores etc.... Brad
  9. Firstly Welcome What about the float levels on the rear carbs. Or maybe the mixture screws have been adjusted improperly. Just a mechanical avenue vs the Electrical. Mr. Owl you were so close but yet you did not stop by. BRad
  10. Brad
  11. BradT

    next gen

    I agree on all of this. THe Stratoliner has the 1900 Vtwin was it not a 1700 last year ? Brad
  12. That's why I said you should not listen to that little voice, he is the trouble maker. Brad
  13. Maybe he is just missing his whine, so he is starting here. To answer your question I think you heard it here, a few hundred times, BRad
  14. I hope all are okay. Hate to say it but after a ice storm the ice looks real nice, however I jope no one gets hurt. Nice photos. A few years ago Quebec got nailed with a bad ice storm. A friend was without power for 31 days. Temperature dropped to minus 30c (-22f) right after. Best of luck, stay home and safe. BRad
  15. Can't help much but noticed your from Candiac, we have an office in Candiac. Company is Metso. Hope you get your mud flap. Brad
  16. Told yah before, you should stop listening to that little voice in your head. Brad
  17. Show everyone elses, just like the US. Brad
  18. I knew that but forgot my smily face, I too was joking. The answer to your question is "because they can", rip you off. They also rip us off on Bikes, bike access, Food, Clothing, and everything else you may want to buy. Brad
  19. If I forget the choke on a little it will start backfiring so I know when this happens. Brad
  20. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/index.php?product=weather&placecode=CAON0356&switchto=f Here is our weather, pretty normal for this time of year, 19 over night, freezing rain in the Morning, then to the high of 35 and rain. Should go well with the 2 feet of snow laying on the grass. Brad
  21. Just to let you know it is only cold in the Winter. But I guess even our summer temps are colder than some of you are use too. PS And just because there is more people in California than Canada does not mean it is empty. Brad
  22. That is why I have not gone in the last two years. The one in January I think is too busy can't get close to anything. Brad
  23. BradT


    I prefer my Dutchie too. She is always right, right Rhonda. BRad
  24. Priceless, you must be watching to much tv. Brad
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