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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Well they must be raising them differently now. I have two teenagers and they are handfuls at times. :rotf:Feels like we have 15 or more in the house at one time. So how do you think Don Feels with almost 4,000 in his house. Brad
  2. Yup. Thanks, personally I saved a couple days vacation so I was off from the 18th and have to go back on the 7th of January. Even more days than that Teacher friend of mine. Brad
  3. See Link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Day Never really new the meaning of it either but always took the day of with pay and visited with Family and friends BRad
  4. We too had a nice chrstmas, untill later in the evening, when both our kids came down with something and both were very sick. (I know it was not supper). Anyway I got a nice kuryakyn trunk bag, a very nice necklace and bracelet, and a few other goodies. Santa brought Naugh-T a Mustang seat, a nice leather jacket, new MP3 player and some more clothes (no shoes this year) Brad
  5. I do not know much about batteries but Mother bought a gel type battery and it never lasted more than one year. He went back to a normal battery Brad
  6. SO why is there more ABS plastic on a first gen, than a 4,000 square foot house. ? Brad
  7. That was weeks ago so you must be enjoying it. Actually I hope you two have a safe and Merry Christmas, see yah in the new year. BRad
  8. To hear about your luck. Hey but you did a great job and I am sure Hallie loved it. Brad
  9. Seems to me hiding it under Leather is better than hiding it under plastic. Brad
  10. Not sure when it comes in but it is paid already. :rotf:Can stand to owe on a credit card. Still have to wait though as can not afford it right now, unless the CDN dollar climbs another 10-15 points:sign20: Brad
  11. JT Did you not know when you mention Brad you have to say food as well, they just go together. Brad
  12. BradT

    Christmas wishes

    THE ROCK and not Newfoundland BRad
  13. Should have said "YES" then went about your business. I figure she just wanted to know if you could build it, man you got some learning to do Brad
  14. WEll put and Merry Christmas to all. BRad
  15. Not sure where in the US you would find one. But if you order on line you will not be dissapointed. Can not remember how long it took but it was fast and I ordered just before Christmas. Brad
  16. Brad/Spear I am most likely in need of a shock next year as well, so ? is there something special about these ? Brad
  17. I too switched to Dalton, but they insured me with Aviva Eite. Did not save me any money but got full coverage for the same amount of money. Also did the same for Naugh-T's bike. Brad
  18. I do not have too buy myself anything because santa always seems to know what I want and does a good job. (I hope I was good this year) Brad
  19. Maybe they can not find you. Are you hiding somewhere ?? Brad
  20. If you could not do it, how can you expect me too Brad
  21. Hope she forgets some of the things that were said in Colorado. Hate for that to come back to bite me, or Chaos. PS I know what you mean. Brad
  22. That would be only one of the problems for Swifty. The other is that it is Black. He does not like Black. However he maybe seeing the light now. He recently has a Black Leather Jacket, Black car, and now he is interested in a RSV. Figured some day he would come around. All the best Eddie. Brad
  23. You sure know how to use the search button, or you have a lot of time going back through all those posts. Congrats to you and your memory. Brad
  24. BradT


    Don't forget to delete the sent messages as well Brad
  25. Just two cents but I doubt the checker plate will flex as there many formed edges which would give it some strength. Personally with the weight of our bikes I would like a trailer with a little more, in the axle and tire rating. Nice little trailer though. Brad
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